Its Freakin Cold!!
Holy Crap today has been the coldest day ever here. Right now it is 48 degrees and I just cant seem to get myself warm. Of coarse turning on the heater is not an option right now. Gotta save as much money as possible for Christmas. So in the meantime I will freeze my balls off!
I have no clue what I will do when I go back home, talk about cold. That's right, I'm coming home for the holidays. So all you Okies you better schedule me in! I'm leaving here the 25 and coming back the 28th of December. DON'T FORGET!!
So things are moving along with REI. I have seen him for the past three days now. That's a good sign right? He comes over and we sit and cuddle and watch TV. Can I tell you how great that is. I have been missing out on so much by being bitter and not wanting to date or waiting on others to come around. I just feel so lucky that he has walked into my life. It is so good to see someone wanting to spend time with you and telling you are beautiful everyday no matter what you look like! I feel like we have been dating forever!
Is there such a thing as moving to fast? I mean things that we have done together are things I would wait months with other guys unless I am highly intoxicated. There is just something about him. I think I am falling for this guy! But it has only been a week! Is that possible? I feel like this guy is the one for me. That or he has the majority of qualities that I look for in a guy. But at the same time I don't know him that well. But the things I do know I just love. EXAMPLE: He has two tattoos, loves some of the same TV shows as I do, loves to shop, loves to people watch and make fun of them, even with high heals on he is still taller than I am, good kisser, a touchy feely kinda guy, all the friends really like him and thinks he is cute and approves of him, ext. ext. There could be something wrong with him and I haven't found it out yet. Its one of those questions of "what's wrong with you, why are you still single cause so far you seem great". But the same can be asked about me!
I don't even know where to begin. So much has been going on.
Miss M and I are back together. If you know me at all you know I am quick to forgive. She said she didn't mean it and I believe her. Besides, she is my best friend, I wasn't going to throw that out the door for a silly email that no one got hurt over it. I need my shopping buddy!!
So my last blog was he called. He has a name but I am going to call him REI (cause that was his last job) for now cause he doesn't know I blog and I'm not ready to put his name out there just yet. Not until he knows I'm doing it! haha
We had our first date on Wed. the day before Thanksgiving. It was great. He picked me up, he took me to Pita Jungle for dinner (scored major points there), we went to the bar and had a few drinks and talked. My roommate was supposed to call to let me know where she was going so if it was a bad date she can get me out of it or if it was good then I can meet up with her and her boyfriend. Well while we were waiting we went back to his house cause the bar was getting crowded. She never called but that was ok cause it just gave us more time to talk (and make out!) But I was a good girl and had him take me home before it was going to get a little too heated. Oh and he bought me flowers too (more points there).
The day after Thanksgiving was date number 2. I took him to a friends house were the whole group was getting together for poker night. It was kinda his test to see how he would do around my friends. He passed with flying colors. He walked in, introduced himself, played poker, joked around, and still hung out with me but at the same time wasn't all over me. It was great.
I've come to realize that I have only known him for a week and I really like him. Its crazy how every time he is about to come over I worry about what to wear, what I look like, and I get so nervous that my face gets red and I cant seem to calm down. I feel like I have gone so long without dating that I have forgotten how to. But I do have to say that it is fun and I am highly enjoying myself.
Thats right Bitches! I have a date. Tonight as a matter of fact. Going to get a few drinks and talk. Im nervous. Its been awhile!
More info later!
Heart Broken
My mother got her heart broken today. Remember the boyfriend in Cali that made her soooooooo happy. Well he broke up with her today. Told her that he didn't like the long distance thing and just didn't feel the same way she did. OUCH!!! Its one thing for me to get my heart broken cause I'm young, Ill get over it. But when it has been 20 years and you finally find someone and they stomp all over you. I cant imagine what she is going through. I feel bad for her. She doesn't deserve this. But I do realize that she does need someone in her life as long as they are going to treat her right. Maybe this is her wake up call to get her ass off the bench and start "putting yourself out there" as some would like to say. I guess only time will tell.
Well I am pleased to announce that Sexy Bitch is back in the game! After bench sitting for many years she finally got her ass up. Well I think its more like I got my ass kicked off the bench!
I had a boy ask for my number. Now we just wait for the phone call! Three days, right?
If you want the full story you have to ask cause typing it here just doesn't do it justice.
But I will keep you folks updated.
And I will add that even if this boy never calls or if nothing happens, it just felt good to flirt and to know that somebody was interested in calling me. There is hope for this girl!
P.S. I still want the dog though!
Who Needs A Man... Get A DOG!!!

So after spending a day out and about at the malls and hitting every puppy store in them, I have decided I want a dog. I NEED A DOG! I figure since I cant find that man to come home to everyday then I will get a dog. Its perfect. My dog will always be happy to see me and it will give me someone to talk to when my roomate is MIA (which she has been alot lately). But here is the problem. The dog I want isnt cheap. I searched on the internet and found a breeder here in Phoenix. 2000 is what they are asking for a female puppy! I dont have that kind of cash or can I see paying that much for a dog. So what do I do? Lower my standers of the dog I want and start looking into some other less expensive breed? Or just keep my eyes open and hope to find a good deal later on? Hmm I guess we will see.
Worst Day Ever Part 2
K, so here is the second part of how my day has gone to Hell before 8:30 this morning.
So the second email comes from Miss M. And this email is not addressed to me at all. It is addressed to the WHOLE SCHOOL. In this email Miss M had thrown a co-worker (and friend) of mine under the bus. Now a month ago a something happened between the two of them and I understood that the two of them are no longer friends. And there was talk that Miss M would go to the principal and rat my friend to get her back. Which I wish that is what she had done instead of this. If she would have just went to the principal and spilled out her dirty laundry then it would only involve three people. But no! She did the worst thing possible and sent out an email to everyone in school and wrote the meanest and dirtiest things. Not only did she throw my friend under a bus but she threw a few other people under it also.
This had to been the meanest and stupidest thing ever to do. I understand you want revenge and to get back at somebody, but when you involve the whole school, a place where I still work at and talk to these people and have to deal with them on a daily basis, BAD MOVE!!! I was so hurt by this email. What, you couldn't think about me and how this was going to effect me at my work. You may not work here but I still do. I how feel about this is sick, and how I'm going to handle it I have no clue. I'm just glad that the people I work with understand that this was not me or did I have anything to do with it cause I would never do anything like this!
So for now Miss M. NOT A GOOD MOVE!
Worst Day Ever Part 1
So this is going to have a two part blog because it is bad!
I am declaring this day as the worst day ever and its not even 8:30am yet. I wake up this morning and go check my emails just like I do every morning because you never know what I might get. There might be an email about school being cancelled due to a fire or break in. But today I get two bad emails (hence this is part one the first bad email).
So pretty much everybody knows CPG as my ex and that we have been talking and hanging out and having fun together. I got his usual "I posted a new blog" email and I go to read it. Well it is about him having a new girlfriend. WTF!!! I just talked to him last night and there was no mention or has there been any mention of even dating someone else. Now I am very thankful that nothing has happened between the two of us so it makes this very easy on me. But if you don't have the balls to tell me to my face that instead you take the easy road and post it in your blog then I have no business being in your life! So once again the cycle has continued and I have decided to remove CPG out of the pic again. I don't need someone who wants to be friends with me and cant tell me things that are going on. So here is my hate song for the morning.
Kelly Clarkson
What you see's not what you get
With you there's just no measurement
No way to tell what's real from what isn't there
Your eyes they sparkle
That's all changed into lies that drop like acid rain
You washed away the best of me
You don't care
You know you did it
I'm gone
To find someone to live for
In this world
There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You're wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I've finally moved on
I'm already gone
Sometimes shattered
Never open
Nothing matters
When you're broken
That was me whenever I was with you
Always ending
Always over
Back and forth, up and down like a rollercoaster
I am breaking
That habit
You know you did it
I'm gone
To find someone to live for
In this world
There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You're wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I've finally moved on
I'm already gone
There is nothing you can say
Sorry doesn't cut it, babe
Take the hint and walk away
'Cause I'm gone
Doesn't matter what you do
It's what you did that's hurting you
All I needed was the truth
Now I'm gone
What you see's not what you get
What you see's not what you get
You know you did it
I'm gone
To find someone to live for
In this world
There's no light at the end of the tunnel tonight
Just a bridge that I gotta burn
You're wrong
If you think you can walk right through my door
That is just so you
Coming back when I've finally moved on
I'm already gone
I'm already gone
Oh, I'm already gone, gone, gone, gone
Already gone
I'm gone
So everybody else has been getting into the Christmas spirit and I keep thinking, "man, I've got thanksgiving to get through!" And I normally don't get into the Christmas spirit until that wonderful day of the year- the day after Thanksgiving. The biggest SHOPPING day ever! I love this day! Not only do I get to go shopping but its like power shopping at its best. Ya its like one of the busiest days and nobody wants to go out with the crowds but me- BRING IT ON! I love getting to go through the newspaper and seeing which stores has the best sales and then mapping out my shopping moves for the next day!
But I saw a sign today for the Zoo Lights and I got excited! I love Zoo Lights. There is just something about going to the zoo (the kid in me), eating kettle corn, and walking around looking at lights, listening to the music and trying to catch a peak at the animals at night. So I have to say that this is getting me in the Christmas spirit and I just cant wait!
I'm Addicted
I have a serious Jamba Juice problem. I have gone there three times this week. I went there four times last week. I stinkin love their smoothes! And they have this new one that I'm in love with. In the back of my head I say "this is good for me, has to be better than cereal, I get a immunity boost and energy boost to keep me going, that's why I haven't gotten sick yet!" And the days I say, oh I'm broke, and don't go, I have the crappiest day ever! So for all you that are lost on what to get me for Christmas. Two words for ya GIFT CARD!!!!!!
Sex Kitten
Ok, let me start off by telling you how today went.
First off I get to start the day with one of my boys telling another boy that he will be his best friend if he eats some glue. And I'm not talking your regular elmers white glue either. Its this red gel with glitter glue. So of coarse you cant pass up being somebody's best friend so he tastes it. The look on his face was the best ever. Not to mention that he then gagged for about 5 mins because of it.
Then I have one of my favorites (ya I have them) puck on not only one but two kids. She puked on her brother, which is kinda funny if you knew him, and then all in another ones hair and down the back of his shirt.
And to top off the day I get third graders telling me that the got to see a girl with the biggest boobies they have ever seen on their teachers computer! BAD!!!!
So we got our pics back today. I don't know how I feel about mine yet, but another teacher has nicknamed me Sex Kitten cause of it. You can be the judge of it. But I will say it doesn't look like a Kindergarten teacher pic at all! Oh and I want to include my last year pic just so you can tell what loosing 35 pounds looks like on me. ENJOY!!!
P.S. If you want a pic of my new one let me know! I got them for free!

Oh Happy Day!!!
So not only is it a great day cause it is Friday, but I just found out that my "special kid", you know, the one that pokes with pencils and growls. Well he is moving in two weeks!!!!! YEAH!!!! It was his older sister that told me. I was like, "Oh, how sad. You guys will be missed!" Haha, big fat lie! Even though I have to admit he seems like he is getting better. And I'm sure with my luck I will get a new one that will be ten times worst. But it will be a glorious day when it will be his last day here. I can drink with happiness tonight!