Sex Kitten
Ok, let me start off by telling you how today went.First off I get to start the day with one of my boys telling another boy that he will be his best friend if he eats some glue. And I'm not talking your regular elmers white glue either. Its this red gel with glitter glue. So of coarse you cant pass up being somebody's best friend so he tastes it. The look on his face was the best ever. Not to mention that he then gagged for about 5 mins because of it.
Then I have one of my favorites (ya I have them) puck on not only one but two kids. She puked on her brother, which is kinda funny if you knew him, and then all in another ones hair and down the back of his shirt.
And to top off the day I get third graders telling me that the got to see a girl with the biggest boobies they have ever seen on their teachers computer! BAD!!!!
So we got our pics back today. I don't know how I feel about mine yet, but another teacher has nicknamed me Sex Kitten cause of it. You can be the judge of it. But I will say it doesn't look like a Kindergarten teacher pic at all! Oh and I want to include my last year pic just so you can tell what loosing 35 pounds looks like on me. ENJOY!!!
P.S. If you want a pic of my new one let me know! I got them for free!

Yer eyebrows RAWK!
Yow! You are one hot sexy bitch! :) You always have been very photogenic, always posing for pictures. They must have gone with a new photographer, bc your latest pic is way better than the generic teacher pic from last year.
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