Thursday, September 29, 2005
Saturday, September 24, 2005
What Makes Women Happy........
So what makes AMBER happy.....Puppies (see blog below!)
finding a coach purse on sale (I got another one! I have three now!)
anything that sparkles
fur purses
getting a fab-u-lous haircut from Rolf
loosing weight
reality TV
did I say shopping?
hanging out with friends
What makes my MOTHER happy.....
Well I think the day has come where my mother has met a man. Now don't mistaken that she has given up on finding me a man cause she hasn't. Now there is a guy named Frankie that is divorced and has three kids that she would like me to meet! But my mother has found her a man on her own. His name is Brian. She can't stop talking about Brian. She acts like a 16 year old school girl when she talks about him. She has been in LA for the past week and when she came home all she talked about was going shopping and buying new clothes to look HOT for Brian! And now we are going on Vacation the first week of October and she asked him if we could stay with him. He said ya which is cool cause free room, but she let me talk to him and she sat and giggled the whole time! MY MOTHER GIGGLED PEOPLE!!!! So this woman has not dated in 20 years! I think she is due to have a good man in her life. And I couldn't be happy for her. IF this guy is going to like her for who she is and make her this happy, then I am happy. Besides if the momma is happy, everybody is happy!

I know, I can't have one. But I want one sooooo bad.
Today we had to stop at the puppy store to get dog food. I'm a sucker for puppies, but not just any puppies. There was this Cocker Spaniel that had my name all over him. He was working the cuteness factor. He was in the middle of the store in a cage so you can play with him. He gave me his big puppy dog eyes and placed his paws on my hand and I just fell in love with him. Coarse when I asked how much he was put that to rest! $1100 dollars is what they wanted for a Cocker Spaniel! We got Charlie for 300 from a puppy farm. What in the world makes that dog so special to cost that much? He is still going to have happy pee, he is still going to be hyper cause all Cockers are. So why 1100 dollars? But if I was rich I would have taken him home!
So I have come to realization that when the time is right I am getting a dog. I mean think about it, so much better than a boyfriend or kids. A dog will always love me for what I look like, they get sooo excited when you come home, you never have to buy them a car or put them through college, they don't get mad when you don't call, they don't care if you haven't clean the house for a few days, and they will never leave you for a younger owner! Perfect love right there!
Screw having kids and a husband. I'm going to get a dog!

Thursday, September 22, 2005
I hate PMS! What is the purpose in life for us to go through it. Your moods change at a drop of a hat and all you want to do all day is eat. Today for example all I did was yell at my kids (they wouldnt stop TALKING!) even if they looked at me funny. I wish they were older so I could walk in and say "Ms. Shatswell is PMSing right now and in order for you to survive today I suggest you never say a word and look at the ground at all times!" But no, they are in Kindergartemers and dont understand. They have no clue why I am punishing them just for looking at me the wrong way. They never saw it comming today. But to top it all off of having a BAD day with the kids is my drive home. I was all by myself listening to my ipod and being by yourself gives you all the time to think. So everything under the sun goes through my head and I make up events and play them out in my head and then all the sudden I get so freaking mad at the whole world. I got mad because I'm single and I am going to blame it on the world that the right one has not come along. Actually I get mad that no one has come along, no one to even DATE! Then of coarse the tears come on and I am in my car driving home crying. And why am I crying? All because I am alone in my car and cant understand why the world is being so mean to me. Then I come home and eat everything in sight. Do you think I will loose that 1.5 lbs I am supposed to loose for Chubbuddies! Not this week! PMS sucks!Monday, September 19, 2005
WARNING!!! IF YOU DONT WANT TO KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT ME YOU MAY WANT TO STOP READING NOW!I have to put a warning to what I am about to talk about cause I have a feeling their might be someone out there who just doesnt need the TMI. But for those of you who dont care than read on!
So some of you know that I have started to have lazer hair removal on my bikini line and "other areas". When I went in for my first treatment I came out telling everybody "Well it isnt that bad".... I LIED!!!!
So they have this fancy machine and it is set on different levels for different people. Last time I was set on 65-55. Well they decided to up it up to 75-65. I should have known better when the guy said, "Ya lets go higher this time and really singe her hair." Let me tell you it hurt like hell! Not only am I flinching everytime I get zap but it also started to smell like fried hair. So gross! I kept thinking, man I already paid these people for 6 treatments and if they are going to feel this way I want out.
So my thoughts are they take it easy on ya the first time so you will be like, oh this is no sweat! And then they just set your cooter on fire and there is nothing you can do about it.
Thank God I asked some questions and she said that they might have to kick it up a notch next time and I think the look on my face told her everything. I said, I dont think I can take it any more than that, it hurt. She was like, Oh well we have some numbing cream that you can put on before to help with that. YES PLEASE! Is what I said. So I have my bottle of cream to get to use next time I go in and they better hope that it works and I dont have to go through that pain again!
I tell you this is a lot of work to get the luxury of not having to shave and it better be worth it!
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Biggest Loser
So I watched the biggest loser and I have to say that I am very inspired! First of all I felt good cause all these girls were 30 lbs more than me. But a year ago I was as big as those girls! But I still want to lose more. That's where the chubbuddies come in. Chubbuddies is a weight lose group that we have given ourselves 100 days to lose 20 lbs. We all are paying money to get in and we all have to pay money if you don't hit your target weight for the week. So the person who is the biggest loser in 100 days gets the cash!The biggest loser people all had t-shirts with sayings of why they want to lose weight. Here is mine!

Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Bite Me!
So there has been a lot of talk about Karma the past few days and I just have one question for you?"Does a Kindergartener have Karma?"
So remember my head-butter. Well he came back today after being gone for a week and a half. Everything was going great till today. He came back today and in 30 mins of school starting he punched another student in the face and left a red mark. So off to the office he went and an hour later he returns. Well after recess he had a jack in his hands during recess time. I asked him three times to hand it over and three times he screams no. So I do what any parent would do and grab it out of his hands. He fights me on it and then bites me. Yep, left teeth marks and everything. So this kid has kicked, hit, punched, pinched, scratched, head butted and bites other kids and me in this class. So when does Karma kick in and this child gets it. I mean I have wanted to hit or pinch or even bite him today just to say "How does that make you feel?" But of coarse I would loose my job and that wouldnt be good. Ive got bills to pay people!
So here is a few pics of my kids!
If you click on the pic it seems to look not so fuzzy

Monday, September 12, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Joy Ride
So I have this little boy who is on a half day program due to his immaturity, lack of staying on task, and really just cause he is all over the place. His mother doesn't have a car so the principal takes him home everyday to save my sanity for the rest of the day. Well today as the principal was telling him to go, he got caught up talking to someone. When the principal turned around he realized that my little darling was gone. He didn't freak out and just said, "Oh I'm sure he is next to the car." Well no he wasn't. So the principal freaks out at this point and starts looking everywhere. Out of the blue my little darling shows up and is ready to go. Well later on that day another teacher comes in and says, "I think someone tried to break into my car." Now his car is a convertible and he keeps his top down. Totally easy to break into it if needed. "Really, how can you tell?" says the principal. "Well my windshield wipers are all over the place and there is liquid on the windshield and my car is a mess." Well thank goodness we have cameras at school now. They go to the TV and watch to see my little darling crawl into the car and start playing with everything he could play with inside the car! How freaking funny is that. You just have to picture the smallest kid possible at 5 and the fact that he had to actually CLIMB into this car. Then to set there and play with everything possible and probably acting like he was driving the car. Then CLIMB out (without getting hurt) and run up to the principal ready to leave! Oh the children that come from AJ!Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Moving Out!
I got the apartment! Yeah! I get to move out of my mothers house and be free! I cant tell you how much this means to me. I love my mom and all but living with her is HELL! Also it doesn't look good when I have to tell people that I am 27 years old and living with my mother. People look at me weird. Sometimes when I tell them I am a teacher they think, "Oh she's poor, no wonder she lives with her mother." But I think it is time to move on. My next big steps in life is to go to Disneyworld, get married, buy a house, buy a new car, and have babies( in no particular order).So I shall be in the new place October 1st and will have to throw a party.
3 Weeks, 3 Days till freedom!
P.S September 9th is national teddy bear day. Please feel free to get me one! haha