I know, I can't have one. But I want one sooooo bad.
Today we had to stop at the puppy store to get dog food. I'm a sucker for puppies, but not just any puppies. There was this Cocker Spaniel that had my name all over him. He was working the cuteness factor. He was in the middle of the store in a cage so you can play with him. He gave me his big puppy dog eyes and placed his paws on my hand and I just fell in love with him. Coarse when I asked how much he was put that to rest! $1100 dollars is what they wanted for a Cocker Spaniel! We got Charlie for 300 from a puppy farm. What in the world makes that dog so special to cost that much? He is still going to have happy pee, he is still going to be hyper cause all Cockers are. So why 1100 dollars? But if I was rich I would have taken him home!
So I have come to realization that when the time is right I am getting a dog. I mean think about it, so much better than a boyfriend or kids. A dog will always love me for what I look like, they get sooo excited when you come home, you never have to buy them a car or put them through college, they don't get mad when you don't call, they don't care if you haven't clean the house for a few days, and they will never leave you for a younger owner! Perfect love right there!
Screw having kids and a husband. I'm going to get a dog!

hey, I thought I came close.;-)
Came close to what, a dog?
Bwa ha hah a ha! Good one!
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