I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Saturday, September 24, 2005

What Makes Women Happy........

So what makes AMBER happy.....

Puppies (see blog below!)
finding a coach purse on sale (I got another one! I have three now!)
anything that sparkles
fur purses
getting a fab-u-lous haircut from Rolf
loosing weight
reality TV
did I say shopping?
hanging out with friends

What makes my MOTHER happy.....


Well I think the day has come where my mother has met a man. Now don't mistaken that she has given up on finding me a man cause she hasn't. Now there is a guy named Frankie that is divorced and has three kids that she would like me to meet! But my mother has found her a man on her own. His name is Brian. She can't stop talking about Brian. She acts like a 16 year old school girl when she talks about him. She has been in LA for the past week and when she came home all she talked about was going shopping and buying new clothes to look HOT for Brian! And now we are going on Vacation the first week of October and she asked him if we could stay with him. He said ya which is cool cause free room, but she let me talk to him and she sat and giggled the whole time! MY MOTHER GIGGLED PEOPLE!!!! So this woman has not dated in 20 years! I think she is due to have a good man in her life. And I couldn't be happy for her. IF this guy is going to like her for who she is and make her this happy, then I am happy. Besides if the momma is happy, everybody is happy!


At 8:20 PM, Blogger SplendidlyImperfect said...

I witnessed the giggles. She was giddy like a schoolgirl. Too funny! Yaaaaaaaaay Disneyland!


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