Song and Dance...
My birthday is tomorrow, my birthday is tomorrow!
Geez I am getting old.
Their Gone!
It is official. They have graduated and are now First Graders! I did have two kids whose parents did not come so I am having to watch them. But its OK cause they are the two good one! haha. But it is sad to see them go. I've had these kids for 9 months. Like giving birth to 25 kids!
I do have another job interview today also. Its in Queen Creek for a kindergarten position. I'm not as nervous as last time and taking the whole, "if they don't like me, oh well, I have a job." So we will see.
P.S. Little side note to my mom's "friend". Like to know how you came across my blog. What, are you searching for my mother on the internet? Or when I was at your house and I looked at it, did you save it to your computer? Have you been reading it this whole time? What are you trying to find?
Birthday Countdown!
3 DAYS!!!
The drinking will beging at 3:00 prompt at a local mexican bar from school, accompanied by my fellow employees. More drinks, possible dinner to follow. For all of those who would like to join in the festivities please let me know so that I shall plan something.
P.S. Tomorrow is my last FULL day of Kindergarten! Whoo Hoo!
Birthday Countdown!
Please feel free to call me anytime that day! No kids and I will have my phone in my pocket!
Getting down to the wire
So it is Sunday evening and a whole weekend has gone by. What have I accomplished? Not a damn thing. I have however highly enjoyed spending time with my boyfriend. But I got nothing done. No school work, report cards, award certificates for the kids, job applications, cleaning. I mean none of that got done. What do we call that again? Oh yes, LAZY!! But ask me if I care. Cause I really don't!
I have TWO DAYS and TWO HOURS left of Kindergarteners. Do you know how awesome that is. Not only that but I have 4 days till my birthday and 7 days left of work and I am free till August. I have already made plans to hit Disneyland and the beach and the rest of the summer is left open to do whatever in the hell I want to do.
On a side note...Mom is still messing around with Brian. I am going to use his name because he is a jackass! So the whole reason of us going to California is because he is throwing a party and she wants me to go with her to "help her be good". You see, they are both just playing mind games with each other really. He keeps calling her and saying "baby" and "sweetie" to keep her smitten. She plays the whole "he can chase after me" game which she isn't good at. So he called her today while we were out and she was like, "I'm glad he called because if he didn't call me today, we weren't going to the party". What the hell? Then she tells me that he told her that he brought me a birthday present. Really, what did he get me? Oh he said he was getting a bow and putting it on his head. UM EWE!! Thanks, but no thanks! I really cant stand this guy and I hope to go out there, get drunk, and give him the what for. It really should be entertaining.
RIP Westie
I have discovered on this Mother's Day that I can no longer get a dog this summer. Two medical bills came in the mail this week totaling $280. With only $100 in the bank and $175 left on a 2800 credit limit credit card, I think you can do the math! I have no money. I can barely take care of myself. How in the hell am I going to afford dog food, toys, grooming, and heaven forbid the dog get sick. So I have come to the realization that I am going to try to find some part time work this summer and just pay off all my bills. That way for next year I can start of clean, try to watch what I put on credit cards, pay back my mother what I owe her, and put some money back in savings so for next summer I can go and get the dog with no problems. That is my goal anyway. Besides, I plan on doing some traveling and we might have a tutoring program for after school meaning I will be getting home later.
I only have a week an a half left of school!!! I cant believe that this year is already over.
My goals this summer:
Work on my Disney scrapbook
Pay off bills
Work out and loose 15 pounds
that's about it. I am sad about my dog but I can always come over to my moms house or Miss M's and play with dogs there. Besides, maybe Ill get a class pet for next year!
Look! I Scrapbooked!
Here are my mother day cards that I made last night.
Can I tell you how excited I am to have school over? The kids are already in summer mood and that is partly my fault. I am done with the curriculum and now I struggle for things to keep them busy. Most of it is play though and when there is a lot of play then there is a lot of craziness. So I will be highly stressed, irritated, and burned out for the next couple of weeks. So beware!
I don't know exactly how excited I am that my birthday is coming up. I love birthdays cause I get presents but at the same time I will be turning 28! That is two years away from 30. So I think everybody needs to get me really great gifts to help get me through these times of realization that I am OLD! Here, let me help you out in case you are lost at what to get me...
Starbucks card
Jamba Juice card
dog stuff (in prep of getting my dog!)
THE DOG!!! (haha)
anything tiffany's (wont complain there)
scrapbooking gift card (can always use that)
anything creative or you saw it and said "man, Amber has to have this!" or "This is so Amber"
A trip to anywhere but here (been dying to get out of here)
tickets to a Broadway show (Wicked)
And anything that is a surprise always makes me happy.
Im pretty easy to please.
Is He Prettier Than You?
So Miss M! Gave me this quiz. Here is what I got. I love it!
Your Guy Is About As Pretty As You! |
 While your guy isn't straight out of GQ, he's a bit of a pretty boy. And he enjoys an indie movie from time to time... so what? You've got the best of both worlds, girlfriend - a manly guy who understands women. Just make sure that he spends more on your dates than the salon. |
Ok, so I had my interview today. I was so nervous about it all day long. I even put a movie in to get on the internet and study or brush up on my skills. I even talked with co-workers to make sure I had everything down pack. I was ready, I was prepared. Man, was I WRONG!!!
So I drive up to the school to be surounded by 300+ thousand dollar houses. Im used to going to school and seeing trailer parks. When I pullled into the parking lot, I was amazed at this school. It was huge! I go inside (after making sure I looked good and giving myself a pep talk in the parking lot) only to find not one, not two, but four secretaries in the lobby. They were also working as a matter of fact even though school had already been out. Needless to say I was highly amazed. I thought, man, I can get used to this.
Well I was like 20 mins way to early but lucky for me the girl before me was 15 mins late! Bonus point for me! I go into a conference room with the principal, a kindergarten teacher, a special ed teacher and some random guy that I really never caught exactly what it is that he did. Anyway they wasted no time getting into questions and they went around in a circle. I answered everything to the best of my knowledge and I even told them things that I dont do in my classroom but knew it was something they wanted to hear! I even brought up the fact that I was nervous after rambling on about something and after the fact they ask, can you explain all that in one sentence? So the interview flew by and before I knew it they were asking me if I had any questions. I asked a few, make it seem like I am highly interested, which of coarse I am! So towards the end we were talking a bit and the special ed teacher blurts out, "Youve got a lot of work ahead of you!" Now how in the hell am I supposed to take that. Ya, I have only taught in a charter school and I have been dumbed down as a teacher. I didnt do any of the stuff they were asking me and I am not required to. I work in a lazy, slackin, not motivated, doesnt care, not up to date, stupid charter school. Is it my fault? Geez.
Anyway, Today is Cinco De Mayo and I am going out and celebrating and getting hammered cause I am sure that is how every hispanic person would want me to do in celebration of their indepenance!
So do I think I have the job? Am I going to win the lottery? Thats how I feel it went.
I'm Getting a New Jobbie Job!
Well I hope so to say the least! I have my first Public School Teaching Interview tomorrow. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I feel like there is a lot of pressure on me with this one. Its in the Higley district which should be way better than AJ. Plus I will make more money and not have to deal with this whole stupid charter school.
So which attitude do I take? The I have a masters high and mighty approach and this school would be absolutely stupid to pass me up or the I have been teacher dumbed down because I have wasted valuable teaching years in a slacking charter school.
Either way I am looking to escape the Apache Junction Charter school system. It is horrible. No subs when you need them. Teachers taking way more than allowed days off. Nobody goes above and beyond and if they do they want to be treated as a God.
If they offer me the job, will I take it? HELLZ YA!!! I want out of the school I am in right now that the first offer that comes along I am going to take it. Why set around and wait for a better offer when there is a slight chance that there might not be one.
If I don't get this job I will be highly disappointed. I will go through the whole, I have a Masters, I have taught already for two years and slightly know what I am doing, I am nice people, I help out in every way possible. Why don't you like me????
So tomorrow I am slapin on a movie for the kids to watch and I am going to make sure I am prepared for tomorrows interview. I want to nail it! I want to walk out of that room and they go "Man she has her shit together!"
Pray for me! I need it.
I'm Crazy!
Intervention-the act or an instance of intervening; specifically : the act or procedure by which a third party becomes a party to a pending proceeding between other parties in order to protect his or her own interest in the subject matter of the suit —compare
Saturday was girl’s night out. Considering that I only get to see one of the girls twice a month I was excited to go out. But there was a hidden agenda to the night, to have an intervention for me. This intervention wasn’t because I am using drugs, prostitution, alcoholism, or because I have a gambling problem. Nope, this intervention was because of whom I am dating. Now I understand if you want to give me your concerns that you are feeling because of my decisions. But that isn’t what happened. Nope I was told what I am doing wrong and given a number for a counselor. Talk about a slap in the face. Coarse I just sat there and let them talk for the sake of it not getting ugly. (Let me point out, one was telling me what I was doing wrong and that I should seek counseling to help me get out of my situation, the other told me her concerns and did have a few disagreements with the other).
I would never go to another friend and tell her she needed counseling just because she was dating someone I didn’t like or didnt approve because she took him back. Now if he was beating me up and sending me to the hospital and I just couldn’t leave him because I am afraid he will kill me, that’s a different story. I have forgiven him for what he has done. Is that wrong of me? I don’t think so. Am I afraid of getting hurt again? Yes. I am aware of the risk I am taking. Isn’t that the risk you always take with a relationship? Maybe I shouldn’t have to prepare myself for certain things to happen but isn’t that better than being surprised. Think about women who are married for 10 years and one day their husbands say “Honey, I don’t love you anymore” or “Im leaving you for a younger woman” Did they ask for it? You never know what can happen in a relationship.
I am 27 going on 28 and I think I am big enough to make my own decisions. If I want to forgive a man for what he has done and enjoy being with him because he makes me happy. So be it. I don’t need a counselor. Besides, I have a free one in Oklahoma! I also talk and open up to all my friends and listen to their comments and concerns. But in the end, it is I who decides who I want to date or not date. So I guess for the future I have to learn who I can and not tell my personal life to. I have friends who I can talk to and not be judged by or get a lecture or think I'm crazy. Or if they do, at least they do it behind my back!