I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Thursday, May 04, 2006

I'm Getting a New Jobbie Job!

Well I hope so to say the least! I have my first Public School Teaching Interview tomorrow. I am so excited and nervous at the same time. I feel like there is a lot of pressure on me with this one. Its in the Higley district which should be way better than AJ. Plus I will make more money and not have to deal with this whole stupid charter school.

So which attitude do I take? The I have a masters high and mighty approach and this school would be absolutely stupid to pass me up or the I have been teacher dumbed down because I have wasted valuable teaching years in a slacking charter school.

Either way I am looking to escape the Apache Junction Charter school system. It is horrible. No subs when you need them. Teachers taking way more than allowed days off. Nobody goes above and beyond and if they do they want to be treated as a God.

If they offer me the job, will I take it? HELLZ YA!!! I want out of the school I am in right now that the first offer that comes along I am going to take it. Why set around and wait for a better offer when there is a slight chance that there might not be one.

If I don't get this job I will be highly disappointed. I will go through the whole, I have a Masters, I have taught already for two years and slightly know what I am doing, I am nice people, I help out in every way possible. Why don't you like me????

So tomorrow I am slapin on a movie for the kids to watch and I am going to make sure I am prepared for tomorrows interview. I want to nail it! I want to walk out of that room and they go "Man she has her shit together!"

Pray for me! I need it.


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