Dog Clothes
I have found something that is making me so stinkin happy, its unreal. I love, love, love, putting clothes on Bailey. I dont know what it is about it. She is so stinkin cute already and with a little outfit on I almost cry. Here are a few outfits so far...

This one I got at Target. It was on clearance. I love the preppy look on her.

This also came from Target. Its a raincoat and hat. What? It does rain here! I just put it on her for shits and giggles today!

This was my new find today. I got it at the Gap for 5 bucks! Its to big for her, but I figure she will grow into it!
New Addiction
So MySpace has become my new addiction. Its so crazy to me how many people are signed up on it. I can even go through my high school years and find people that I have graduated with. I am now connected with my friends from and still in Oklahoma. As I scroll through their "friends list" I find that a lot of people are still in contact with old friends. So I wonder, why is it that I only really talk to maybe 3 friends from my high school days? Did me moving to another state cause me to break so many acquaintances? Or do I only really stick to my true friends?
Speaking of which my high school reunion is coming up next month. I actually would like to go but I don't know if it is possible. Part of me however doesn't want to go threw the hassle of explaining my life to those that I barely talk to in high school. Its not like I can go there and show off something. Lets see, my conversations would be like...
Me-"Hey how are things going"
Them-"Great, I have (insert number) kids, married, and working now that my kids are old enough to go to school. How about you?"
Me-"Good, I guess. I'm not married, have no kids, actually my boyfriend just broke up with me because I am so needy so I'm single again and really not looking forward to putting myself out there, but I did manage to go to school and get my masters in teaching. Just landed me a new job in the public schools teaching kindergarten."
Them-"Wow, Kindergarten, that must be hard."
Me-"It has its up and downs"
And then the conversation about my life is done and we talk about their marriage and kids and crap because my life isn't interesting. They don't care that I went to Europe or have a masters or just got a dog. That isn't the norm thing to do in Oklahoma. Maybe I can like borrow or rent out a very rich man to call mine that I can flash around the party.
Uhhh. I need to go to bed. I am thinking way to much about this.
First Haircut
So Bailey got a haircut and let me tell you what a hassle that was. Now Miss M! was nice enough to go ahead and shave her off. She wiggled, she growled, she even snap at the clippers. We were covered from head to toe in dog hair. Next time, I am taking her to the groomers!

Toy Box
So I made my baby a toy box. She loves it. She likes to take all the toys out of it and sit in it! What a funny dog.

First Page
I made my babies first scrapbook page! I am so proud of myself.
Bailey Pic of the Day
Its nap time!
New Jobbie Job!
Well folks. I did it. I got myself out of trailer trash AJ and now am going to be in gansta Phoenix! haha I went to a job fair today and had an interview and was offered a Kindergarten position with a K-3 school in the Roosevelt district in Phoenix. Now I said I wasn't going to go there and I didn't want to do Kinder again. But the Money talks! I am now currently making 29K. I have the possibility of starting out making 38K or even more. I wont know exactly till my contract comes out in July. Ummm. Can you do the math. That is a shit load of money! I cant turn that down. Geez. So now I don't feel so bad for how much I paid for my dog because now I can afford her and anything else that happens to her! I also can pay off all my credit cards, pay off my mother, and ooh do I dare say put some in savings! So I start back July 19th which doesn't leave me very long of a summer. I get two weeks off in Oct. three weeks off in Dec. and another two weeks off in March. Hmmm, sounds pretty good to me. Downside-having to get up earlier, take the dog out, look nice, and get my butt to work on time. I wonder if there is a Jamba Juice along the way?
So I have started online shopping for my dog. Holy crap there are so many cute things I am going to have to buy. Here are a few...

And lets not talk about how badly I need this!

I can see how this can be addicting!
I Found You Miss New Bailey!
Now, it seems EVERY stinkin time I have to take Bailey out is when they have the water sprinklers on. Bailey is not afraid of water. Today she thought it would be fun to swim in her water bowl. Today, just like everyday, those dang sprinklers where on. So today Bailey thought it would be fun to ROLL around in the new wet grass. And I mean ROLL. This is what she looked like.

So Bailey got her very first bath. She was a trooper about it. She did however act like I was torturing her.

She looks like a drowned rat!!!
Bailey couldn't have come at a better time! I am now single again and it makes this breakup so much easier having to worry about her and get my mind off of it. I couldn't have asked for anything more than to have this dog to love and be loved no matter what. So now I am that ad in a paper "Must Love Dogs" How can you resist a face like that?
It's A GIRL!
No I'm not prego's, Geez! Remember how I was talking about living life, enjoying it, and living with no regrets. Well I took a huge leap two days ago. I bought a dog! SHE is a Cairn Terrier and she is the cutest, sweetest, most lovable dog ever! Her name is Princess Tiffany Bailey Shatswell and I am calling her Bailey for short. I am going to try to send out announcements and have a puppy shower. I figure this is as close to me having my own child for quite some time. So if you haven't had the joy of meeting her, here is a few pics of my little darling.

So here is the story about Bailey. I went to Scottsdale mall to do some shopping with Miss M! On our way home we decided to go play at my favorite puppy store. Now it is my favorite store because the dogs are in baby pools surrounded by a cage. I love this store cause you get to go inside and play with the puppies. So as you would know by reading my blog that I have been wanting a dog and doing research on different kinds. First was the Cavalier, second was the Westie which they had two of them. Miss M! picks up this little Cairn Terrier and she was just so sweet. They guy asks if we would like to take her outside and play with her. We said sure! No harm right? So we play with her and the guy is like, "So, you gonna take her home?" All that kept running in my head was, "I cant afford her" and that is what I told the guy. I asked if they have any kind of a payment plan! (wrong thing to ask again!) So I somehow found myself filling out an application to finance the dog! Before I knew it, I said yes I will take her and off to filling out paperwork.
The first test was going to be mom! I called her and she wasn't to happy of the matter. So I took Bailey by to see her. It was love at first sight. She loved her. I even left Bailey there for Grandma (ha) to watch her so I could go to the store. I came back, Mom and Bailey were sitting on the couch watching TV together! SOLD!!!!
So as her first few days here she has been really good. Only one accident in the house. Very and I mean Very little whining and barking. I have even taking her in the car to go to the pet shops, which she did very well in! But I will keep you posted and updated with things that happen to her. This just very well may turn into Bailey's Blog! haha Besides, when it comes down to doing her baby book I can come back her for the journaling! Always thinkin!
UPDATE...We have been having a hard time going up and down stairs. I don't know what it is about her but she just seems scared of them. Anyway, Today she went up the stairs almost on her own! Whoo hoo! Its so hard when its 111 outside to wait and be patient for her to learn how to use the stairs!
My Kids
I took my disposable camera to walgreens yesterday and got these pics. I thought I would share. Looking at the pics, I kinda miss my kids. Man, what am I thinking going to third grade?

Who Am I?
I wrote this last night...
Why is it that I turn 28 and I loose who I am as a person? I have started to question everything and I don't take any risks anymore. I'm scared of failing or getting hurt. I'm insecure. What has happened to me? What has made me this way? I have many years in front of me, yet I am acting like its over. My window of opportunity hasn't closed yet, so why am I acting like it has? I stopped trying to find a new job because I was scared of failing. I felt that going into a public school I would find out that I am not good at my job. I felt like I would be criticized for doing everything wrong. I worry that my relationship is falling apart. I worry that I am not good enough, that I bore him, that he isn't all that into me. Why am I acting the way that I am right now? I have never been this way. I have always been proud of who I am and what I am doing. I used to just go with the wind and not care what the outcome would be. I used to take risks and not worry about how it is going to affect my life. Now I do worry about life and what is going to happen. Is that called growing up? Is that what an adult is supposed to be? Am I in a transition phase and I don't know what to do? Life is made up of many roads, why am I having such a hard time picking which one to go down? I feel like I am standing in the middle trying to figure everything out and in the mean time I am just going to miss out on everything. That is the worst feeling for me to feel left out or missing out on something. Ever since I was little I wanted and needed to know everything that is going on. Even today I tried to ease drop on some co-workers just to figure out what was going on. I don't want to be left out. How do I overcome this hump that I am in? I need to take a stand, I need to take risks, and I need to put myself out there and pick a damn road and not care what is going to happen. I need to stop being scared of everything. I need to take back control of my life and live it. No regrets. I always said I would live by that rule. I had a breakdown this weekend and was put back into place yesterday. I dont know what in the hell happened to me this weekend. I freaked out about everything. For once I stepped out of the box and looked at myself. I need to take control of my life and of me. I need to be that happy girl that just lived life and didnt care of the outcome because you can always take another route in the end. I think this whole being out of school is getting to me. To much time to sit and think. I need to start doing things. I took the first step today and went to the gym. I will go everyday this week! I am going to sit down and get every stinkin project that I have either finished or started on. I am going to start being ME!!
Get Er Done!
Ok, I need to catch up here!
Had my 28th birthday. It was great! Some of the teachers took me out to the local Mexican place and bought me some shots. Got to go to getto Walmart a little buzzed (highly recommend doing that at least once!), went home and took a nap, and went out with a bunch of friends for dinner. So thank you all for wishing me a happy birthday and thank you for the lovely gifts. My boyfriend in particular did the best with the birthday gift! I got a tiffany's ring! Here is a pic.

Man, I love that boy! But now I have to worry about what to get him for his birthday considering it is only a month away from mine. Hmmmmmm if he would only give me some hints! haha
So school is officially OVER! Yesterday I got up, went to the gym, and cleaned up the house. Today I am going to finish cleaning my room and my bathroom and the whole house is set. Then I'm going to start to finish all my projects and start scrapbooking! Yeah! So Ill keep you updated with things that I actually finish this summer!
So the word is so far that I am staying at the same school. I tried finding another job but I didn't try that hard. I hate the school but at the same time I am glad I'm staying one more year. I get to watch one of my friends teach Kindergarten for the first time and I get to try out another grade. It looks like mostly I will have third grade but I might have second also. I wont know till the end of June likely. So that is about it for now! Its freakin 110 here today so I'm not leaving the house for anything till the sun goes down! GEEZ!