It's A GIRL!
No I'm not prego's, Geez! Remember how I was talking about living life, enjoying it, and living with no regrets. Well I took a huge leap two days ago. I bought a dog! SHE is a Cairn Terrier and she is the cutest, sweetest, most lovable dog ever! Her name is Princess Tiffany Bailey Shatswell and I am calling her Bailey for short. I am going to try to send out announcements and have a puppy shower. I figure this is as close to me having my own child for quite some time. So if you haven't had the joy of meeting her, here is a few pics of my little darling.

So here is the story about Bailey. I went to Scottsdale mall to do some shopping with Miss M! On our way home we decided to go play at my favorite puppy store. Now it is my favorite store because the dogs are in baby pools surrounded by a cage. I love this store cause you get to go inside and play with the puppies. So as you would know by reading my blog that I have been wanting a dog and doing research on different kinds. First was the Cavalier, second was the Westie which they had two of them. Miss M! picks up this little Cairn Terrier and she was just so sweet. They guy asks if we would like to take her outside and play with her. We said sure! No harm right? So we play with her and the guy is like, "So, you gonna take her home?" All that kept running in my head was, "I cant afford her" and that is what I told the guy. I asked if they have any kind of a payment plan! (wrong thing to ask again!) So I somehow found myself filling out an application to finance the dog! Before I knew it, I said yes I will take her and off to filling out paperwork.
The first test was going to be mom! I called her and she wasn't to happy of the matter. So I took Bailey by to see her. It was love at first sight. She loved her. I even left Bailey there for Grandma (ha) to watch her so I could go to the store. I came back, Mom and Bailey were sitting on the couch watching TV together! SOLD!!!!
So as her first few days here she has been really good. Only one accident in the house. Very and I mean Very little whining and barking. I have even taking her in the car to go to the pet shops, which she did very well in! But I will keep you posted and updated with things that happen to her. This just very well may turn into Bailey's Blog! haha Besides, when it comes down to doing her baby book I can come back her for the journaling! Always thinkin!
UPDATE...We have been having a hard time going up and down stairs. I don't know what it is about her but she just seems scared of them. Anyway, Today she went up the stairs almost on her own! Whoo hoo! Its so hard when its 111 outside to wait and be patient for her to learn how to use the stairs!
Hmm... I think I liked Me-maw better than grandma, ha ha!
She's so stinking cute!
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