I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Friday, June 23, 2006

New Jobbie Job!

Well folks. I did it. I got myself out of trailer trash AJ and now am going to be in gansta Phoenix! haha I went to a job fair today and had an interview and was offered a Kindergarten position with a K-3 school in the Roosevelt district in Phoenix. Now I said I wasn't going to go there and I didn't want to do Kinder again. But the Money talks! I am now currently making 29K. I have the possibility of starting out making 38K or even more. I wont know exactly till my contract comes out in July. Ummm. Can you do the math. That is a shit load of money! I cant turn that down. Geez. So now I don't feel so bad for how much I paid for my dog because now I can afford her and anything else that happens to her! I also can pay off all my credit cards, pay off my mother, and ooh do I dare say put some in savings! So I start back July 19th which doesn't leave me very long of a summer. I get two weeks off in Oct. three weeks off in Dec. and another two weeks off in March. Hmmm, sounds pretty good to me. Downside-having to get up earlier, take the dog out, look nice, and get my butt to work on time. I wonder if there is a Jamba Juice along the way?

So I have started online shopping for my dog. Holy crap there are so many cute things I am going to have to buy. Here are a few...

And lets not talk about how badly I need this!

I can see how this can be addicting!


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