I Found You Miss New Bailey!
Now, it seems EVERY stinkin time I have to take Bailey out is when they have the water sprinklers on. Bailey is not afraid of water. Today she thought it would be fun to swim in her water bowl. Today, just like everyday, those dang sprinklers where on. So today Bailey thought it would be fun to ROLL around in the new wet grass. And I mean ROLL. This is what she looked like.
So Bailey got her very first bath. She was a trooper about it. She did however act like I was torturing her.

She looks like a drowned rat!!!
Bailey couldn't have come at a better time! I am now single again and it makes this breakup so much easier having to worry about her and get my mind off of it. I couldn't have asked for anything more than to have this dog to love and be loved no matter what. So now I am that ad in a paper "Must Love Dogs" How can you resist a face like that?
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