Mid-Life Crisis at 28
Ok, so I don't know if you can have a mid-life crisis but it is the only explanation for wanting to change my hair color! See, I have always been a blonde, ALWAYS! Sure, I have put red streaks, brown, and others but the color has always been blonde. Well not anymore! I wanted a change. Now, I am a brunette. Does it look good? I have no clue. I have no idea how to do my makeup cause I have always done it to go along with a blonde! Guess Ill have to go to MAC and have them show me how to do it. Anyway, here is a preview...
I Can't Make This Stuff Up!
I have the case of the Monday's today. First my alarm didnt go off. Thank God I got up in time to throw on some clothes, throw Bailey in the bathroom and rush to school. This is were her being potty trained comes in handy because I didnt have time to take her out! Ran to school and was late for my 7:15 meeting. But so was the principal due to traffic so I was safe there. Had no time to prep this morning so during the kids breakfast I quickly got things ready because today I had my observation, which went well. The kids were very well behaved.
Today we are learning the sound of Ff. So we are going over words that start with that sound. As their seat work they are to draw things that start the letter Ff. So coming across to my GHETTO Belt girl, I see something and ask her what it is. She says "This is my mom's mouth when she says the F word!" Hahaha Man this girl makes for good stories!
I'm Not Weird
Why is it when you have so much to do, with no time to do it, you find yourself doing none of the things that need to be done! Did you understand that?
So I should be typing up my lesson plan and getting ready for my observation for Monday morning! Am I doing it? NO! Why? Cause there is always Sunday is what is being said in the back of my head.
Today I had to go to a Classroom Management class which was a waste of 8 hours of my day. But I did however come to a conclusion in life. Are you ready for this?
I think I am going to become a school librarian. How in the Hell did I come up with this you ask? Well today during the boring training in a library, I sat down and talked with the librarian who was trying to run a book fair but had no clue on how to do it. So I gave her pointers. As I am talking to her, I realized, why in the hell am I not doing this. I can run a kick ass book fair and what more else is there to a librarian. So I organize books, check out books, read and do activities with the kids that involves books. I may even have to read more kids books. Darn, that is hard reading! I wouldn't have to deal with parents on a daily basis or half the crap that a teacher has to do. Besides, aren't librarians the freaky sexy ones? You know, plain by day, stripper at night! haha
So I have two ways of going about this. I could get my Masters in Library Science which will help me get a job, put me farther in debt, and take me about two years to complete it. Or I could just skip all that and take the AEPA test and get certified in it. The only problem with that, no training.
So I looked up the Masters idea and found out that I can do it online, but only through certain colleges. Pretty much the closest college to go to is UofA! Ahhh! But I guess if its what I gotta do? So I don't fully know yet. I have till Feb. to decide if this is the route I would at least like to give a try. I still would be in the school systems and still get those lovely days off. So we will see!
On top of that, I took Bailey out for a walk at 10 at night to get the full effect of how ghetto these apartments are. Well, I guess I should rephrase that to how ghetto the people living here are. I thought maybe tonight would be a good night to go to laundry, but there is this creepy guy with his door open, he is standing in the door way, no shirt, bottle of beer, with Mexican music in the background. Umm, ya I think I will wait till the morning. Two, met the downstairs neighbor. He hit on me. The whole, "So did your boyfriend help you move in?" Uhh, what kind of question is that! Yes, my imaginary boyfriend helped me move in! I told Bailey that she was hitting on the wrong guys for momma and that she needs to raise the bar. Geez!
So Miss M! had tagged me as needing to blog about 5 weird things about myself. Hmmm, I really cant think of anything I do that is considered weird to normal people! haha Maybe I can just say I teach Kindergarten and that can be all five? Hmm, I think about that one!
I Nailed Her Good!
So I had the pleasure the other day of nailing a girl from behind. Considering this is something I have always thought about doing, but to my surprise, really isn't that fun at all!
Ok, get your mind out of the gutter! I hit a car. Yep, Me! The one who has never been in a accident in her life is now no longer a car accident virgin. To make a long story short. I am sick and wanted something to eat. Now not having any energy to fix something should have told me not to go out and drive! But I did. In a right hand turn lane, the truck in front goes, then the girl, then me. In which the truck slams on his break, so does the girl, so do I. I hit her because well my brakes suck! That's my excuse (not the delayed reaction due to meds or anything). So all in all, I scratched up my car, scratched up her car and I can do nothing but say I am sorry, hope you are ok, and now be completely sad cause my insurance is going to go up and I cant afford it as it is!
Mr. Cop sees the whole thing (my lucky day) and stops by for assistance. But this wasn't just any old cop, this was Mr. Lazy Cop! He doesn't even bother to get out of his car, rolls down the window, asks if we are ok, tells us to share info, and drives off! Ok, so no report. This might be a good thing!
So I start digging for info and the girl (which was about my age) says, "Look, I am getting a new car soon, my insurance is high enough as it is, if you are cool with it, let's just call it off!" WHOOO HOOOO Um ya I can live with a scratched up car to save me hundreds of my car insurance going up! Actually now that I think about it. I have insurance that I never use. That would have been the time to use it. But because insurance companies are stupid, I get charged more if I have to actually use them for something I am paying them to do in the first place! Cover my ass if I do something stupid like this!
So anyway, that was my day.
Kid humor for the day....
All day long I noticed one of my girls had a string tied around her waist. She keeps playing with it but never takes it off or anything. So she comes up to me and asks "Ms. Shatswell, do you know what this is?" Pointing at her string I just say no. "It starts with a G!" The only thing that ran through my head was, Oh god please don't let her say G-String! "Ms. Shatswell, its a GHETTO BELT!" I kid you not. Then she proceeds to tell me "A Ghetto Belt is when you don't have a real one so you use string to make one!" Five years old my folks and she already knows the word Ghetto! Ahh Youth Today!
I Am Now Complete!
Well, not completely, but close enough for right now!
Oh you dont know how bad I have missed having my own internet to look up my fun pages when I want to. I have internet at school but it wont let me go to my guilty pleasure sights like MySpace!
So I am back! Ready to talk online and connect with the world once again!
P.S. That means Tivo is back on! Oh how I love Tivo!
So today is Friday! Whoo hooo! What makes this day so great is the boss lady has let us wear jeans today! Couldn't be a better day! Coarse I am probably jinking myself considering it is only 7:30 in the morning! But today is a Citizenship day were we all get to take 30 mins out of the day to go outside and be patriotic which we have done all week in rememberance of 9/11.
So yesterday during snack one of my boys tell me that he cant say the pledge of allegiance. Which I new this earlier because his mom wrote it down on his information paper. But I never understood why. Well he tells me because he is "Jehovah people". Ok, I understand Jehovahs believes of not celebrating holidays but not being able to say the pledge? Is it because it says God? I dont get it.
So tomorrow is my only Sat off till Oct. break. School has set up something going on every sat till we go to break. So what am I going to do? Well the Scrapbook Convention is in town so I am of coarse going to that. I will probably go see some puppy stores just for fun, and move the rest of my stuff into the new apartment.
Speaking of new apartment, Holy Crap it is soooo boring to be living by yourself with no stinking TV!! Thank God, the cable guy is coming out Monday. Coarse Bailey isnt liking it to much either. She barks at everything! Which she has never done before. I will just be glead when I get the apartment all set and decorated and I can just live in it.
I'm Moving
Give me some time folks. I am transitioned from one place to another. Once I am settle I will do some catch up.
But for kid humor of the day...
One kid came back from California and couldn't stop talking about his trip. Turns out it must have been his first time staying at a hotel because I kid you not this is what he said
"I was gone in California and they have these places called hotels that you stay at. Ya but they are not that fun cause they don't have any toys, just beds and a TV. But they do have two pools and a cuzzi (His word for Jacuzzi) and a cuzzi is really hot!" Then my little one blurts out, "Ya really hot like a stove huh?" Man, it was just to funny. Then another one of my boys came to school with no underwear on. Thought it was funny to show off his pee pee through the leg hole of his shorts while he was sitting. Somebody please tell me why little boys find it so fansinating with show it off. I guess it they never grow out of that one! haha Oh and another one of my kids said "Mother Fucker!" Man, I don't even say that one, what do you say to that. He is the one who's mom is in a gang so I guess I shouldn't be so shocked!
What if I told you I am good at my Job!
So for the past two days I have been called into the principals office. I have a parent who does not like me. This is the parent that had grandma come to a meeting and beat me up basically. Well of coarse matters with the child have not gotten any better and mom is mad that he is missing recess for misbehaving in school. (Yes people, there are parents like this out there!) So what is your next step if you are one of these parents? You send a nasty letter to school and go straight to the principal!
So yesterday the principal called me in during the middle of class. Got one of the aids to cover. So the whole way there I just start thinking "Crap, what did I do? I swear I am going to quit, I don't need this, Am I going to be yelled at for something?" Its funny how I can be 28 and still scared of going into the principals office. So she sits me down and nicely explains that this parent is upset with me and wants her child pulled out of my class. So she lets me explain everything that has been going on. Funny thing is the principal tells me what a great job I have been doing, and she sees that I have done nothing wrong to this child or parent. Whoo hoo, Go Me! So she let me going because she was having a meeting with the parent.
So today she calls me in again. This time to tell me that she had my back and has totally change the parents state of mind. Turns out this hate and dislike was coming from grandma and not mom. Mom didn't want him moved from my class and just wants her child to do well. Principal said that mom left saying she was glad for the meeting. So now I just have to keep record of the child and let mom know some of the positives that her child does. Principal let me know that I have been so positive through this experience and she is so glad that I am so open and willing to try out new ideas.
So what have I learned from this? One, public schools got your back and are willing to stick up for you. Two, just do what the principal says and the world is happy. Three, no matter how many times I say "I quit" I really don't mean it. When I really think about it, I like my job. And yes for those who tell me you have respect for what I do and that you are sure I am good at it, I am listening and appreciate it. I need that reassurance some times! I like that I get to entertain and teach kids. I like my time off and benefits that I get. I cant find these things anywhere else. Ya so sometimes I deal with bad kids but most of the time those kids can be shaped up. Ya I have to deal with stupid parents that shouldn't breed in the first place, but hey, that's what keeps it exciting around here. What would I have to blog about if I didn't have stories of children doing funny things.
To leave you on this note.... In another class, one of the children went into the bathroom, pooped in his hand, came back out into the classroom and threw it on another student! haha Thank God that wasn't one of mine! Man, gotta love kids!
I Gave In!
So I did it! I am officially on Eharmony.com. So far I have 16 matches, which about 7 of them are no good. Some are in their early 20's or some live on the east coast. Which I didnt limit myself to distance, religion, or race. I said, "Bring them all on!" So we shall see what comes of this. But in the mean time, I have found out what my perfect mate should be. So if you are out there, reading this and say "Hey that sounds like me" well than you are my perfect mate and you need to speak up! Got it!
Some of your ideal mate's strongest personality characteristics are:Although he doesn't try to be the "life of the party," there are times when he is very outgoing and energetic.
He sometimes likes to get out and try new things.
He sometimes likes to do things on the spur of the moment, without a lot of advance planning.
On occasion, he likes to push his friends into action.
Some important qualities that your ideal partner brings to the relationship are:He is generally pleasant and unassuming.
He usually manages to avoid being irritable, even when he isn't feeling his best.
Like you, he has lighthearted moments that help him see and share the positive side of life.
Even when things get bad, he can usually appreciate the good things life has to offer.
Important goals and values for your ideal mate in a relationship are:Family ties are important to him.
Sharing parenting values and ideas is important to him.
Although he probably won't be strongly religious, it may be important to him that he shares his core spiritual beliefs with his life partner.
He doesn't have wildly radical views about society or morality.
This is Me!
So as I am sitting at home being bored, I finally finished the EHarmony 8000 questions about yourself to see who you are compatible with. Now for a long time I said I wouldn't do internet dating because that is what "Desperate" people did. Well I am now giving in because I 1. Don't have time to go out and look for a boy, I am usually to busy or tired with work lately. And 2. I am tired of not dating. I feel like my life is passing by and I am just sitting here doing nothing. So I wanted to share what my profile says about me. Let me know if it is dead on!
-You have to be with people. This extends into the need to gain popularity, achieve social recognition and influence those people around you. The "bottom-line" is a strong people orientation.
-You may be rather emotional; that is, one will generally know how you are feeling, whether good or bad, because you let others know your moods easily.
-You have a strong sense of humor. You usually know when to lighten a difficult situation, amuse and entertain people.
-You have a strong feeling of optimism, considered favorably by most people around you. Your perception is that the bottle is half-full rather than half-empty.
-You have a high trust level for others. Occasionally you may have trusted too much and was "stung" in the process. Your natural optimism, however, tends to pull you out of such slumps.
-You are a natural communicator. You love to talk, offer jokes and make sure that everyone is having a good time. This trait is especially evident at functions and outings.
-You can generate enthusiasm in yourself and in other people. Your enthusiasm, often contagious, involves many people in a social activity who might not ordinarily become involved.
-You have a natural, outgoing style that some have labeled as the "natural salesperson." You are generally likeable, talkative and socially assertive. Your primary intent is convincing or persuading people.
-You show sympathy to the feelings and needs of others. Your natural empathy style may draw others to you.
-One of your great strengths is your ability to communicate and talk readily. Since all strengths may be overused at times, you may sometimes talk too much.
-Poised, confident, persuasive and impressive are descriptors for you. You are usually capable of speaking in a comfortable manner.
These are my Strengths
-You have an excellent sense of humor and tend to see humor in events spontaneously.
-You are generally very patient with people.
-You are good at reconciling (i.e. you don't like to sulk after a conflict is resolved).
-You are very sincere in actions and words.
-You are socially poised and people-oriented.
-You are a dependable and caring partner.
-You are usually enthusiastic about activities and planning.
-You take pride in being very loyal to friends and family.
-You are very empathic towards other people.
My Needs
-A friendly, favorable social environment.
-Partners who practice listening and participation.
-An outlet to vent your emotions frequently.
-Social recognition of your accomplishments.
-Support of your ideas and dreams.
-A support system to help you get things done.
-Activities involving contact with many people.
-An audience to perform to and entertain.
-Acceptance in a variety of groups.
-Recognition of skills and ability.
-You are very supportive of other people.
-You tend to be a very calming influence in heated situations.
-You are good at motivating others toward positive goals.
Does anyone see a pattern here! I love people! haha
Now is it worth 40 bucks a month to find a man?