I Love Being a Slacker!
So I took today off from work. Not cause I am sick or anything. Just tired and burned out and just needed a day to do nothing! So that is what I did. I did do laundry and cut out some stuff for school while I caught up on my TiVo shows. I have to tell you how much I am in love with a show that is not a reality TV show. I know huh? Who a thunk it? So Nip/Tuck is my new show that I love to watch. Somehow TiVo taped the very first show of the season and I liked it soo much that I have had TiVo tape every episode. So I am caught up for the season and the brand new shows start next week. I am soo excited. I just wish Grey's Anatomy would hurry up and start their new shows.
I took Bailey for a walk this morning. Came across an Asian man and his two boys. Probably two and four. The boys run up to pet Bailey which I get a little nervous about little kids being around her. Not cause she is going to do harm to them, its the other way around! Little kids like to pick her up and then drop her when she gets squirmy. So dad is yelling at the boys to get away from the dog. I look at him and tell him she wont bite. So the boys pet her. As I am walking away I hear the dad yell no and I turn around thinking one of the boys has run after the dog. NOPE, the four year old is throwing a rock in my direction and I am assuming trying to hit my dog! At first I wanted to yell at the little boy for throwing a rock in the first place then yell at the dad for not teaching their child that throwing rocks are bad. What if he would have hit my dog, or even me for that matter! People should not breed for that reason! Cause he is what is going to happen next year, he is going to go to kindergarten, parents will be called because their son is throwing rocks or dirt at school and getting into trouble everyday, and the parents just say "I don't know why he is doing this" UHHH I think I am in the process of rethinking this whole having kids thing.
So I signed my lease today, set up electric, did laundry, went to the grocery store and played with my dog today. It was a nice day. To bad I have to go to work tomorrow. BOO!
What Happens in Vegas.....

Gets posted on the blog! haha Geez, like I would do anything that needed to stay in Vegas! So here was my trip!
Friday right after school we jetted out. Got there at 10pm which you would think is prime going out time. Well mom went out and met a bunch of the guys she works with. I however was sooo tired that I stayed in and went straight to bed! I know, I got a lot of slack for it! Sat morning got up early and off to help with the job fair (the whole reason of going to Vegas). Well they needed my help for like an hour. After that, I just sat at the lobby and got all my school work done. I also talked with all the guys mom works with. Turns out I get along with 40 year old men! haha Nobody there was marriage material, and nobody coming for the job fair was either! Holy crap what people in Vegas wear to job fairs. Some where decked out to a T with suits and a good majority of them where in tshirts and jeans! Pretty entertaining! So I made a deal with probably the oldest guy there that we would meet at the stratosphere at midnight to ride the rides at top! I thought he would chicken out so I made the bet. At 4 the job fair was over. We went back to our rooms, got dressed up and out to Rio for the buffet. Well mom's boss went with us and paid for the whole group. Said he can expense it. So free dinner! Then close to midnight we get a call asking if I will be there! haha I cant pass it up. So we all crammed into this van to go down the strip. So at midnight, I rode the Big Shot! So much fun!

Next day we got up, had a margarita at 11am and went shopping. We gambled a little too. Found this game that was only pennies to play but you had this fish that you got to feed and stuff. I was so much fun. And thanks to Miss M! I found a doggie store and so miss Bailey got a couple of souvenirs!
I Hate Big Bullies!!!
I was a victim of bulling! You know how schools now a days have every kid sign a "I will not be a bully" policy. Well, parents and grandparents need one too!
Let me set the scene...
I have a little boy, who is slow, has speach problems, and at the beginning of the year was wetting his pants. (just like they all do) So I have had a few talks with mom on what has been going on with her child. Well two days ago I get a call from grandma and she saids she wants a meeting with all three of us. Sure, no problem. That day of the meeting with mom, grandma, and me, this boy had the worst day ever! He was hitting and even bit a kid. So mom and grandma come for the meeting and ask, "what has been going on with him" So I let them know. Grandma must have been pissed from the gecko cause she just let me have it! "Well do you have anything positive to say about him!" Ummm NO! I really didn't and I just sat there. I had nothing. Bad move on teachers part. Cause grandma ripped me a new one. After they were talking about how he needs so much help and threatening to pull him out of school (which I love for parents to say cause in the back of my head im going take him!) it comes down to being my fault cause I am not catering to his every need! I have 28 kids people! With no aid! Ummm I dont have time to sit down with just him and reexplain everything and walk him through it. Then grandma gripes about speech and how she is only taking him once a week and yadda yadda yadda. I told you she was pissed! But here is my favorite part. "So why is he always missing his recess?" Well I explained to her that if you do not finish your work in my class, you get no recess! End of story. Well grandma argues with me that the work must be to hard and he is easily distracted and so it is not his fault to miss recess. And I quote on her "So from now on, he will no longer be missing recess because he didnt complete his work, DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" What am I, five! I bit my tounge and said ok, fine. Then she keeps going with, "I understand you dont know everything because you are a new teacher" I replied, "Oh no, I am not new, I am new to this district but I have been teaching for two years now!" She said that the office told her it was my first year. Whatever, I wasnt going to start a yelling fight with this woman and lose my job.
So I cried about it. I was really upset. I was upset with the way i was treated and I am just sick and tired of dealing with these parents. I threatened to quit and said I was looking for another career for next year. But today I have calmed down, talked to the assistant principal and feel much better about the situation now. Assistant principal told me i held myself very profesional in the matter and she is supprised I didnt just get up and punch grandma! haha
So now I wait till 3:15, grab my bags, and off to Vegas I go! Whoo hooo! Yard Margarita her I come!
Too Funny!!!
Ok, I have to write this down before I forget it! So today we were talking about parades. (dont ask why, it was in the curriculum) As their first day of writing in their journals, they had to draw a picture of a parade that they have been to. I came around and asked them some questions and wrote down what they said. So I go up to one girl and ask "Tell me about your parade?" And she says, "My parade is about rainbows." I tried so hard not to laugh! She has a mom and dad so I was hoping she wasnt talking about that parade but then again you never know! That is my kid funny for the day!
Bring Sexy Back!
Who ever wrote that on my fridge, YOUR RIGHT!!! I need to bring sexy back. Things have just been so crazy around here that I find myself not even having the time to be lazy! So here is the recent scoop.
Mom has been offered and pretty much has a job from the same company, making the same amount of money, only it is in Virginia. So given how long it is going to take for her to sell the house, I am looking at my mother leaving me in the next couple of months. She has offered her living room furniture for me to have and a car. So its bitter sweet!
Now why do I need her furniture you ask? Well that is because my roomate has decided that she would rather live with her unemployed sister than me. So that leaves me out on my own. Now I could stay here at these wonderful apartments that I am in now but I have a few issues with them. Steps break, requests to get this fix never go in till two weeks later, air has gone out, one room is hotter than the rest of the house, mesquitos have the numbers because they water so much there is a lake in front of the house, and the big kicker is mushrooms where growing out of my ceiling! I kid you not, I have pic proof!
So out apartment hunting I have been for the past two weekends. Today I lucked out! I found a crappy looking apartment that another company has taken over and gave the place a makeover. I am talking new carpet, stainless steal appliances, really made the inside look nice. What sold me is that it was also 100 buck cheaper than every where else i have looked at. It is going to be hard going from splitting 750 rent and utilities to going to paying 700 and utilities myself. So I am going to have to live the poor life for quite some time! Good news is I can run around in my underwear! haha
So that is my story for now. Tomorrow I go and see if I qualify for the new place and maybe do a little shopping to help me feel better (just window shopping) and plan for school work for the next week! Uhhhh!
My Language is bad!
UMMMM, DUH! Everyone knows that about me! I cant spell, I cant do grammar, I cant do punctuation the right way. Not suprising there who ever left that on my fridge! Just wanted you to know that!
So Sorry Its Been So Long!!!
I know, I know! It has been a month since I have written in my blog. I'm Sorry! I have been so stinkin busy it is unreal. So here is the low down.
I have been back to school and have had the kids for two weeks now. I come home with my feeting hurting and ready to pass out. I am tired and unmotivated to do anything outside of school. It is sucking the life out of me. I know it will get better with time, but for the time being I am trying my hardest to be a really good teacher. I dont want to slack off anymore and fly by the seat of my pants. I am actually planning lessons, organizing the classroom, and I never get a chance to sit down! It is crazy. I have to say though that the ghetto kids are a little bit easier to control than AJ trailer park trash kids. Hmmm who knew?
Other than that I hang out with Miss M! and talk her into helping me out with school stuff. I would die without that woman!
But other than school consuming my whole life, there really isnt anything going on. Everything is pretty boring right now. Give me time, I will find some ways to spice it up!
P.S. Who ever wrote on my fridge, My how uve changed but you look good, Thanks, but let me know who you are! Im curious!