I'm Busy Bitches!
"When are you going to update your blog?"
Its all I hear! Don't you people know I have a life? Ok, actually I am just lazy and haven't gotten on here to update anything. So here ya go!
So the past two weeks I have gotten sick, lost my voice, lost control of the kids one day, cried, and went home and drank myself stupid.
The boy is reading this now so feel free to say hi to him! haha
Mom is talking to her ex boyfriend and actually is in LA now for business but is supposed to see him to talk about his intentions.
Miss M is loosing weight and I'm gaining it. I think I have finally hit that point where I want to start loosing but its just hard to figure out what is going to be the best for me. Do I go back to weight watchers and try counting points again or do I try South Beach where I have to give up things. I need something drastic I know but at the same time I want to do this the right way so I don't go back to being fat! Speaking of which I'm hungry.
Went on a field trip on Friday to the zoo. Its always good to have a day where you know you don't have to teach, you pawn all the kids off on parents, and you spend a day with other teachers walking around the zoo having fun. Only it wore me out so I came home and took a nap. You know that feeling where you been in the sun all day long. That's what it felt like.
Today I am going to clean and grade papers and just get shit done.
Tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday and going over to a friends house for a party.
So is that enough for now!
The L word
So things with the boy have been going good. We had our talk over margaritas and found out info, had a fight (or he likes to call a discussion because we didn't call each other bad names to be a fight) the next day because he showed up to Miss M's house drunk, called my mother drunk, and acted a little inappropriate for a nice sit down dinner. But we talked that out and things are fine. Lately things have seem like a rollarcoaster lately. Everything is new and I just keep learning more and more about him.
Last night I cooked dinner for the four of us and he went through a bottle of wine. So he was to say the least a little tipsy but nothing out of control. Well he said something about woman are always in the way. I however was sitting on the floor grading papers while he was on the couch watching a car show. I told him there is no way I am anywhere near being in his way that I am sitting nicely on the floor doing what I need to do and letting him watch his show. He got down on the floor and said "No you are not in my way, you are wonderful and beautiful and I LO..... He almost said it! Coarse my mouth just dropped to the floor and I was like, you what? Well of coarse he wasn't going to finish it so Miss M did it for him. "He likes your cooking!" Haha. So was it a slip? Probably, and I know he isn't ready to say the L word especially when it has only been 2 months that we have been dating. But it felt good that he almost said it.
If he had said it would I have said it back?
Would I buy a coach purse if I saw it on sale?
Oh and P.S. The boyfriend now knows I blog and is determined to find it and read it. Am I scared, ya a little. Everyone who reads this knows it is hard for me to talk about feelings and thoughts and this is my way of getting them out without going crazy keeping them inside. Maybe its a good thing he reads it since I can tell its getting to him that he doesn't know what's going on in my head. But am I going to change any of it or deny it? Nope!!!
Fatty Fat Fat!!
Why cant life be easy?
Why does everyday things have to be so hard? Like getting up in the mornings and going to work. I've been doing it for how long now and it still isn't getting any easier.
Losing Weight. So for a week now I have worked out like 5 times and started watching what I ate (cheating only a few times) and I weighed myself today after doing this for a week and I GAINED 1 pound. What the hell? So I have decided I am going to have to give up something. So I am giving up alcohol for 1 week. Its not going to be easy considering I really enjoy having a glass of wine at dinner. Wine is the best I tell ya. You can drink a lot of it and get buzzed and wake up the next morning just fine. But I don't know what else to do to get this weight off. If a month goes by and I'm not 190 then I am going to a specialist or getting a trainer or going on those diet pills or something cause I cant keep doing everything that is right and not see any progress. It will Kill me!
So I have discovered that dinner + alcohol with the boyfriend = to much information. So Sunday night we went out to ZTejas which is well known for their margaritas. So after two of them and feeling really buzzed, the boyfriend starts talking. I find out that he broke up with his girlfriend 2 weeks before meeting me! Uh what a slap in the face. All I kept thinking was REBOUND GIRL! Then he proceeds to tell me that he isn't over her yet. This was the love of his life and he was going to marry her and she just ups and one day tells him that she isn't happy and just breaks up with him. So the boy has no closure and is hurt by this.
Ok, so I understand how that is and how it takes time to get over people who really mean something to you. And at first I was kinda bothered by this. But I cant change the timing in which we met and actually maybe we did meet at good timing. I mean I found out my ex was hiding having a girlfriend just days before we met and I remember how I took that kinda hard. So maybe our timing was perfect and we actually are going through the same feelings at the same time. Only time will tell!
Happy 2006!
Here it is the new year already and I am slacken!
So lets recap the past year shall we?
Stayed at the same school and taught Kindergarten all year long with a nice summer break
Lost 30lbs
Found new shopping habits thanks to Miss M!
Got a great boyfriend just in the nick of time!
Went on a cruise with Crystal and had a blast
Had my pain killers stolen from someone I thought to be a good friend.
Mom got a boyfriend and lost a boyfriend
So goals for this year?
Keep the good boyfriend
Lose 20-30 more pounds
Become a better teacher
Get more organized
Be happy
I was told by someone a long time ago that however you spend your New Years Eve night is how the rest of your year is going to be like. Well I am excited for this year cause I was at a house party with all my good friends and my boyfriend (ya we are calling him that now) and had a great time. And that is really all I ask for this year is a good time.