I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Fatty Fat Fat!!

Why cant life be easy?

Why does everyday things have to be so hard? Like getting up in the mornings and going to work. I've been doing it for how long now and it still isn't getting any easier.

Losing Weight. So for a week now I have worked out like 5 times and started watching what I ate (cheating only a few times) and I weighed myself today after doing this for a week and I GAINED 1 pound. What the hell? So I have decided I am going to have to give up something. So I am giving up alcohol for 1 week. Its not going to be easy considering I really enjoy having a glass of wine at dinner. Wine is the best I tell ya. You can drink a lot of it and get buzzed and wake up the next morning just fine. But I don't know what else to do to get this weight off. If a month goes by and I'm not 190 then I am going to a specialist or getting a trainer or going on those diet pills or something cause I cant keep doing everything that is right and not see any progress. It will Kill me!


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