I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Saturday, January 21, 2006


So I have discovered that dinner + alcohol with the boyfriend = to much information. So Sunday night we went out to ZTejas which is well known for their margaritas. So after two of them and feeling really buzzed, the boyfriend starts talking. I find out that he broke up with his girlfriend 2 weeks before meeting me! Uh what a slap in the face. All I kept thinking was REBOUND GIRL! Then he proceeds to tell me that he isn't over her yet. This was the love of his life and he was going to marry her and she just ups and one day tells him that she isn't happy and just breaks up with him. So the boy has no closure and is hurt by this.

Ok, so I understand how that is and how it takes time to get over people who really mean something to you. And at first I was kinda bothered by this. But I cant change the timing in which we met and actually maybe we did meet at good timing. I mean I found out my ex was hiding having a girlfriend just days before we met and I remember how I took that kinda hard. So maybe our timing was perfect and we actually are going through the same feelings at the same time. Only time will tell!


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