I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

I'm Busy Bitches!

"When are you going to update your blog?"

Its all I hear! Don't you people know I have a life? Ok, actually I am just lazy and haven't gotten on here to update anything. So here ya go!

So the past two weeks I have gotten sick, lost my voice, lost control of the kids one day, cried, and went home and drank myself stupid.

The boy is reading this now so feel free to say hi to him! haha

Mom is talking to her ex boyfriend and actually is in LA now for business but is supposed to see him to talk about his intentions.

Miss M is loosing weight and I'm gaining it. I think I have finally hit that point where I want to start loosing but its just hard to figure out what is going to be the best for me. Do I go back to weight watchers and try counting points again or do I try South Beach where I have to give up things. I need something drastic I know but at the same time I want to do this the right way so I don't go back to being fat! Speaking of which I'm hungry.

Went on a field trip on Friday to the zoo. Its always good to have a day where you know you don't have to teach, you pawn all the kids off on parents, and you spend a day with other teachers walking around the zoo having fun. Only it wore me out so I came home and took a nap. You know that feeling where you been in the sun all day long. That's what it felt like.

Today I am going to clean and grade papers and just get shit done.

Tomorrow is Superbowl Sunday and going over to a friends house for a party.

So is that enough for now!


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