15 Again!
OMG! Today was a day. First off let me tell you how my morning went with the kids. So I have this umm special child or actually I should say spoiled child that must be used to getting whatever he wants. Everytime I tell this boy no or that he cant do something he goes into crazy mode and destroys everything in his path. Well today I told him he couldn't do something at that moment and he took his pencil and stabbed another kid with it. I also go to witness a boy in one of the other Kindergarten classes throw a screaming crying fit all because his teacher told him to sit out. What is wrong with these kids? Are they not allowed to show their anger the right way at home so they go all psycho. All I know is everyday these kids remind me of how not to raise my child!
But I will raise my child to learn how to have fun and pull non hurtful pranks on others! haha, Like I got to do today. So we sort of shoe polished (well tempera paint) the P.E. teachers car (he was away at a volleyball game). It was so much fun. The best part was getting busted by the Principal. I'm so glad I'm on his good side cause that would have been bad news at any other school. But we wrote things on his car like "I dig phat chicks" and "Sexy Beast on Board". We also got the asst. coaches car to so he wouldn't feel left out. Ya we got love like that. It just brought me back to my teen years when shoe polishing and TPing was all the fun. We would get so creative in our attacks. Sad thing was my mother was always either with me and my friends or helped us get the stuff we needed. But see I always did these things for fun. Never to hurt or damage property cause that is just not cool.
I guess it is easy to say that I will never grow up. Today I had on pigtails and shoe polished a car and loved every min of it. I know the boys will get me back for what I did. Bring it on boys, Bring it on!
Boyfriends are like purses
So I sat down with my roommate and watched Laguna Beach for the first time ever. That is one reality show that I feel is sorta scripted if you know what I mean. Anyway three of the girls where talking about how boyfriends are like purses. You have your purses that you kinda like, purses that you love, the expensive purse that you want to walk around with and show it off, and the purse you love but dont want anyone to see it, and your purses seem to change as your moods change. Well they mentioned that the expensive purse is the asshole which I have to say I agree with. So I looked and realized that my purse is that purse that you love sitting in the back of your closet just waiting for you to find it and bring it out. Of coarse in my world I have that purse that I love, cant bring myself to get rid of it, I shove it in the back of the closet to try to forget about it and carry around nicer purses, and every now and then it just keeps comming back up and I carry it around. This being my sparkly Tinkerbell purse as Sara would say. Then some people in passing love it and others who have seen this purse for so long hate it. Then everyone has to ask me am I sure I want to carry that purse around and gives me their oppinions on why I shouldnt. I can see how those three girls came up with this. I can see boyfriends as purses in this light. But I guess I will keep trying on purses until I find that purse that is going to last forever.
Breakfast at Ambers!

So it is almost done! I have turned my scrapbook room into a themed Tiffany & Co box. I love it! Course I have to give a huge shout out to Sara, cause without her my room would not look this good.
So I tried to be all manly with going to Home Depot and buying paint, brushes, wood for shelves and desk, nails and such. I think I made 20 trips to Home Depot cause every time we would start a project it seemed I was missing something. I had to paint the selves and everything I bought to go up on the walls black to match the theme. What a pain in the butt that is to do. My fingernails are stained black because of the spray paint. The guys at Home Depot had a fun time making fun of me for that one. They were like "Why didn't you wear gloves" or "Well that will teach ya for next time". W
But for all the hard work that went into it I do have to say is worth it. When it is all said and done I will take a pic of it and post it here for all to see.
P.S. I made fake Tiffany boxes to put on the shelves. I'm hoping that within time I will get real boxes to replace the fake ones. HINT HINT!!! Haha
Your Pimp Name Is... |
 Diamond Glider |
How You Are In Love |
 You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.
You tend to take more than give in relationships.
You tend to get very attached when you're with someone. You want to see your love all the time.
You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.
You are fickle and tend to fall out of love easily. You bounce from romance to romance. |
Hmm, interesting. I know I fall in love easy and want to see love all the time. I know I don't fall out of love easy! That is always the hard part for me! And bouncing from romance to romance, haha, its been almost two years since my last romance, I really dont think thats bouncing!
P.S. If you want to see more pics of my wonderful vaca, email me and I will send you an invite to view the pics!

Well I had a great time. Actually I just spent some time writing it all out and I lost it. So Im just going to have a few pics in here and I will go into detail later about the trip cause now I dont feel like it.

So we had a good time at Disneyland. Two days was fun but boy were we tired!

We did make it to the garmet district in LA and did some shopping and made it to Hollywood and had Roscoes Chicken and Waffles. MMMMMMM soooo good!

OH and at the garment district I got a tirara!!! I needed it for the bookfair, hehe, no really!

But its good to be back and hard at the same time! Getting back to waking up at 6am and going to work is hard! But it made me realize how much I need to get out of here every now and then to have some fun!
Mickey or Bust!
I'm going to Disneyland!!!!
Even though I have been there a MILLION times. Everytime I go it feels like the first time and I get sooooo excited! Nothing better than me being able to be a kid for a whole day! Not only that but I get to show the ropes to two new people (even though they have been there before but it was a long time ago) I would like to think I am a Disney expert and can see the best of the park even on the busiest days that way you feel like you get your moneys worth, cause it aint cheap yall! But it's October and it wont be that crowded plus the high is 85 which will be SWEET and I'll get to freeze when the low is 57! So I'll be in Cali till Thursday and so for all my peeps I will see you later.
P.S. I'll send out pics of this wonderful time when we get back!