Merry Christmas!!!
Since I was lazy and waited till the last min, many of you missed out on getting a Christmas card from me. So here it is!

I wish you all a very safe and wonderful Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!!
Im On Vaca Bitches!!!
I havent been sick all year since school started and the day I have off I am sicker than a dog. How fair is that? Ya its a good thing to be sick now cause then I didnt miss any work but at the same time I had plans and its my vaca. I was going to finish Christmas shopping, do my Christmas cards (which sorry none of you are getting any this year), clean up the house, finish my class online. But no, Im laying in bed or on the couch sick! BOOO!
I did get out of the house with the girls yesterday to go shopping for the party on New Years. Its going to kick ass! I cant wait. Nothing says Happy New Year than watching a bunch of drunk people hit a pinata!
Can you bribe them?
So I have bribed my kids with everything. Bribe them with candy, prizes, and today with making their gingerbread houses. I told them if they can not behave then they do not deserve to make a gingerbread house. You think that works? Hellz No! They are crazy today cause we went with other classes to practice for the music play we have on Thursday. The sad thing is you can totally tell we don't have a music teacher and that the rest of us are not that musically inclined! But I guess we can play they whole "They are kids, they are supposed to sound that bad" so it doesn't make us look that bad.
So today we made the gingerbread houses. I really dreaded doing this today. Just the thought of 25 kinders with icing was not a pretty picture. But thank God for three of my moms who asked this morning if they could help. So we made them today and they turned out so cute. I just let them go and make their houses however they wanted to. Cause the other Kinder teacher did hers and to me they all look alike and they all look like an adult helped. But not mine! Some have chimneys, doors, windows, and one even made a patio. Tomorrow is the fun part when they decorate with the candy. Now how to stop them from eating more than they decorate with!
So I came up with the greatest idea of wanting to make my own gingerbread house. I have never actually sat down and made one as a kid and take this as my opportunity to do so. So I talked REI into making one with me! I think we are going to do it tomorrow night. It will be so much fun cause not only will I be acting like a kid but I know he will too. Maybe I will take pics this time!!!!
To that note, REI and I went to Zoolights on Friday night. I stinkin love zoolights and it was so nice to walk around with a guy on your arm. My plan was to take my camera so I can take pics and have his pic to show everyone who is wondering what he looks like. Well I forgot my camera. Ya, smart move! But oh well, we walked around, weaved in and out of the masses of children, saw some animals (baby zebra) and had a good time. Have I mentioned that I really like this guy? And so far everybody else does too. Do you know what a difference that makes knowing all your friends like him and approve of you dating him? Who knew this is what it is supposed to be like! haha
Kids are out of Control!
What is wrong with these kids? I reward them for doing good, get onto them and take things away from them when they are bad. Bribe them with painting and candy to do go things. So why are they still out of control. I had three of them that would not listen and I had to do the one thing I was taught never to do- I stuck their noses up against the wall. Another one kept spitting on the playground and at other kids so I had him spit in a cup till it was time to go home. I just don't get how I give them so many chances and I get nothing. Is it because they are from trailer parks in the ghetto of AJ? Is it because they are 5 and their parents have no clue how to teach them better? WHY OH WHY!!!
So I decided to start up Weight Watchers again. Ive lost 30 pounds from it so far. When I went to the websight today and put in my weight I was pleased to see that I have only gained a pound since Aug. Bad news is that when I started caculating my points for the day I realized that I eat most of my points by lunch time! OUCH! Coarse my one love of Jamba Juice is the major cause in this. My favorite smoothie there is 9 points! Im only allowed 24 in a day! Man Im screwed!
Walking in LA
So I am in LA this weekend with mom. She is on a I hate men mode and wanted to get out of town. I couldn't pass up a free trip to LA and shopping. And boy is she shopping! Today we went to the LA garment district. She doesn't find this place as much fun as I do cause she is more upscale now and fighting the crowds for 5 dollar jewelry just isn't her thing. Then we went to Downtown Disney to do some shopping. Man what a tease! All I kept thinking was the parks were right there and I wanted to go in, have some popcorn and ride rides. But instead we ate and shopped. Mom dropped 500 at the Disney store! She did do some Christmas shopping and was able to by Christmas for 4 people. I just got a few things :)
So tonight we came back to the house we are staying at, got a bottle of wine and hit the hot tub. I said "wouldn't it be nice to have one of these at your house to go into after a long day of walking?" And there you have it folks. I have officially talked my mom into buying a hot tub. Now if she follows through and actually does it is one thing but it is clearly on her mind to go next weekend and shop for one. Loves it!
So I love getting away and hanging out with mom, but I so wish I was home, getting lesson plans done, cleaning the house, and hanging out with REI. I miss him. On Friday he texted "I miss you and I wish I could hold you and kiss you!" Okay everyone-AWWWWWWWW! I mean come on. Its only been a week and a half and we are talking about missing each other when I have only been gone one day. Is that bad? Normally I would be like, Oh god another needy one, but I actually miss him too and wish I was at home hanging out with him. Man I have turned into such a girl. Actually I am now that girl that I used to make fun of cause she was so into this guy that I thought it was sick. And I know all I want to do is spend all my time with this guy but I want to be careful cause I will be damn if I turn into that girl that ignores all her friends to hang out with a guy.
I'm OLD!!
So thanks to Miss M and this websight I found out that I am going to live to be 84! I think that is a good number. Old enough to start going crazy and drive the other people around me crazy but not too old that I just want to be put out of my mysery because I cant do anything for myself.
So its 11:40 right now and the kids are at P.E. I've got a million things I could be doing right now but to just sit and think and have no kids around is a nice break. They are off the wall today. Its like every time I stop to take a breath they are off talking. Its funny cause they have been so good lately that when I raised my voice at them today they all kinda jumped. It has been awhile since I have yelled at them like that.
Last night me and REI went to go see the Polar Express in 3D at IMAX. I highly recommend seeing this. Not only was it fun to get to wear the big dorky glasses and laugh at each other but this movie was so cute and good that I am so in the Christmas Spirit. It was funny to watch and hear REI giggle during the movie like a little kid. He enjoyed it as much as I did. We went to dinner afterwards. It was fun. And yesterday marked One Week! So far so good.