I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Monday, December 12, 2005

Can you bribe them?

So I have bribed my kids with everything. Bribe them with candy, prizes, and today with making their gingerbread houses. I told them if they can not behave then they do not deserve to make a gingerbread house. You think that works? Hellz No! They are crazy today cause we went with other classes to practice for the music play we have on Thursday. The sad thing is you can totally tell we don't have a music teacher and that the rest of us are not that musically inclined! But I guess we can play they whole "They are kids, they are supposed to sound that bad" so it doesn't make us look that bad.

So today we made the gingerbread houses. I really dreaded doing this today. Just the thought of 25 kinders with icing was not a pretty picture. But thank God for three of my moms who asked this morning if they could help. So we made them today and they turned out so cute. I just let them go and make their houses however they wanted to. Cause the other Kinder teacher did hers and to me they all look alike and they all look like an adult helped. But not mine! Some have chimneys, doors, windows, and one even made a patio. Tomorrow is the fun part when they decorate with the candy. Now how to stop them from eating more than they decorate with!

So I came up with the greatest idea of wanting to make my own gingerbread house. I have never actually sat down and made one as a kid and take this as my opportunity to do so. So I talked REI into making one with me! I think we are going to do it tomorrow night. It will be so much fun cause not only will I be acting like a kid but I know he will too. Maybe I will take pics this time!!!!

To that note, REI and I went to Zoolights on Friday night. I stinkin love zoolights and it was so nice to walk around with a guy on your arm. My plan was to take my camera so I can take pics and have his pic to show everyone who is wondering what he looks like. Well I forgot my camera. Ya, smart move! But oh well, we walked around, weaved in and out of the masses of children, saw some animals (baby zebra) and had a good time. Have I mentioned that I really like this guy? And so far everybody else does too. Do you know what a difference that makes knowing all your friends like him and approve of you dating him? Who knew this is what it is supposed to be like! haha


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