Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Is This What You Want?
Good Lord! Didnt know so many of you feed off of reading my blogs! So to please my fans....I give you, a new post!Ok, so here is the low down. Went to Oklahoma. Saw the new baby, saw my good friends, went to a lesbo bar and made out with a girl. You know, the usual. Had a really good time. Miss M! tagged along for the ride. I have to say that I amazed myself that I can drive from AZ to OK. Took me two days but I did do it. I would never want to take that trip alone due to the boringness of it all. You will here me say this a million time, but if you take out New Mexico, it wouldnt be that bad! Bailey enjoyed the trip too once she got over being sick in the car. Nothing worse than a 16 hour drive and having to stop every 30 mins for the first 2 hours to clean up dog puke. Good times had by all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Everybody! OOOOOKlahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains. And the waiving wheat, it sure smells sweet....Oklahoma is OK!
that's is the state motto you know!
As of tomorrow I will be on the road heading home with my trusty side kick Miss M! Who knows what kinds of adventures us crazy to cats will get ourselves into. We plan on stopping along the way and enjoying the scenery, showing Miss M! that Oklahoma way of livin, and who knows what kind of trails we will find to ride our horses off into the sunset.
So I will be gone for about a week and will come back to conclude this episode with some crazy stories and pics. But if I do happen to find a computer along the way to sit down I might do some mini episodes before the finale!
Yall come back now, ya hear!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Internet is Evil!

I don't understand what is wrong with her! First she eats my money tree and now she is eating her own poop! I have got some pills to help stop this and I know we are only three days into it but she is still doing it! Its just sooo gross. What am I going to do with this dog!
So I have a million things on my list to do. Clean up the apartment, put things away in the apartment, get ready for teacher conferences starting tomorrow, pedigree, manicure, CLEAN THE APARTMENT! So what am I doing instead. Playing on the internet. Especially Myspace. I am in love with myspace today. Today out of all days I am getting massive emails, friend request and comments that just wont let me go away. I have been offered to chat, hook up, have sex, band request looking to make it big, guys who just moved and are looking for a "friend" and one girl that I actually know. Plus leaving comments on other pages and looking for new songs to spice mine up. Its so addicting! Ohh, another comment! Gotta Go!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Good Bye Money and Fortune

My dog ate my Money Tree! The little stinker went outside and ate my Feng Shui money tree that was supposed to give me money and good fortune. I only had it for a week! That didnt give it time to give me what I need! Geez. Little dog gotta go ruining my fortune. Glad it was only 3.50 at IKEA! Another trip to IKEA! Darn, I hate that place :)