I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Monday, August 29, 2005

A New Low

So I have come to discover yesterday that my mother has hit desperation when it comes to me finding a man. Let me take you back. Yesterday my mother had to move out of her apartment and had my brother grab a few friends. Well if you know my brother, his friends are just like him. Mom comes in to say, "Hey, there is one out there that isn't that bad and he is a Christian" My brother, god love him, turns around and says, "He is 39 and lives with his mother!" And the bad part is mom didn't flinch. She was like, "Sooo he's a nice guy!" Well truth be told I saw this guy and lets just say he is soooo faarrrr away from being my type.

So has my mother lost all hope that her daughter is going to find a man and get married and have babies for her some day? That's what it sounded like to me. I think her only requirement in a man for me is if he is still breathing! I mean, come on, I know I'm getting up there in age but I'm not hopeless yet, am I? Granted it has been two or maybe even three years that I have been single now. The first year was just to get over the jerk that I broke up with and the second year was for me to start loosing weight and work on my teaching career.

Now I am ready to date. But where are the men? I don't want to go and date guys at the bar, that is what college was for. So where are they? I feel like a 40 year old woman trying to find a good man that doesn't have a lot of baggage already. All I want is a good man with a good job and just loves me for who I am? Is that to much to ask. I mean really!

So that is where online dating might just be my best bet. For the longest time I said internet dating would be the last resort and truefully I think I am there. I'm the last one standing single in my circle of friends and I've known them for so long now that I know they don't have any friends for me. So onward to online dating. It's all I see that I have left. But the positive side to it, I can write about the bad dates I go on for a good laugh and I will get some free dinners out of it. Haha. Who knows, maybe Mr. Right is out there, just gotta find him on the computer!


At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, okay first of all, you know better than to let your mom get to you about men. When was the last time she went on a date? Oh, yeah 20 years ago. Secondly, you are a beautiful, wonderful, sexy bitch and have never had any problem attracting men. Of course, the problem is finding men who aren't losers, something we all share! I understand completely your frustration and admit that I contemplated the online dating thing too. So I say give it a shot, but remember that there are probably a lot of men like a certain former roommate of ours out there and you will have to filter through quite a few before you find any quality ones.
P.S. Please be careful with this whole blogging thing, we know the disasters it can cause! :)

At 6:38 PM, Blogger Sexy Bitch said...

Dont worry, no names will be used! I learned that lesson!

At 4:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Internet dating...hooray!

If there was internet friend-finding I would do that! I'm so bored with some of home folks!
I say do it. Just remember that people lie. Don't trust the picture they send you! It's most likely from about 5 years ago when they were younger and thinner!

Balls out.


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