Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Is This What You Want?
Good Lord! Didnt know so many of you feed off of reading my blogs! So to please my fans....I give you, a new post!Ok, so here is the low down. Went to Oklahoma. Saw the new baby, saw my good friends, went to a lesbo bar and made out with a girl. You know, the usual. Had a really good time. Miss M! tagged along for the ride. I have to say that I amazed myself that I can drive from AZ to OK. Took me two days but I did do it. I would never want to take that trip alone due to the boringness of it all. You will here me say this a million time, but if you take out New Mexico, it wouldnt be that bad! Bailey enjoyed the trip too once she got over being sick in the car. Nothing worse than a 16 hour drive and having to stop every 30 mins for the first 2 hours to clean up dog puke. Good times had by all!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Everybody! OOOOOKlahoma where the wind comes sweeping down the plains. And the waiving wheat, it sure smells sweet....Oklahoma is OK!
that's is the state motto you know!
As of tomorrow I will be on the road heading home with my trusty side kick Miss M! Who knows what kinds of adventures us crazy to cats will get ourselves into. We plan on stopping along the way and enjoying the scenery, showing Miss M! that Oklahoma way of livin, and who knows what kind of trails we will find to ride our horses off into the sunset.
So I will be gone for about a week and will come back to conclude this episode with some crazy stories and pics. But if I do happen to find a computer along the way to sit down I might do some mini episodes before the finale!
Yall come back now, ya hear!
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
The Internet is Evil!

I don't understand what is wrong with her! First she eats my money tree and now she is eating her own poop! I have got some pills to help stop this and I know we are only three days into it but she is still doing it! Its just sooo gross. What am I going to do with this dog!
So I have a million things on my list to do. Clean up the apartment, put things away in the apartment, get ready for teacher conferences starting tomorrow, pedigree, manicure, CLEAN THE APARTMENT! So what am I doing instead. Playing on the internet. Especially Myspace. I am in love with myspace today. Today out of all days I am getting massive emails, friend request and comments that just wont let me go away. I have been offered to chat, hook up, have sex, band request looking to make it big, guys who just moved and are looking for a "friend" and one girl that I actually know. Plus leaving comments on other pages and looking for new songs to spice mine up. Its so addicting! Ohh, another comment! Gotta Go!
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Good Bye Money and Fortune

My dog ate my Money Tree! The little stinker went outside and ate my Feng Shui money tree that was supposed to give me money and good fortune. I only had it for a week! That didnt give it time to give me what I need! Geez. Little dog gotta go ruining my fortune. Glad it was only 3.50 at IKEA! Another trip to IKEA! Darn, I hate that place :)
Friday, September 29, 2006
Mid-Life Crisis at 28
Ok, so I don't know if you can have a mid-life crisis but it is the only explanation for wanting to change my hair color! See, I have always been a blonde, ALWAYS! Sure, I have put red streaks, brown, and others but the color has always been blonde. Well not anymore! I wanted a change. Now, I am a brunette. Does it look good? I have no clue. I have no idea how to do my makeup cause I have always done it to go along with a blonde! Guess Ill have to go to MAC and have them show me how to do it. Anyway, here is a preview...
Monday, September 25, 2006
I Can't Make This Stuff Up!
I have the case of the Monday's today. First my alarm didnt go off. Thank God I got up in time to throw on some clothes, throw Bailey in the bathroom and rush to school. This is were her being potty trained comes in handy because I didnt have time to take her out! Ran to school and was late for my 7:15 meeting. But so was the principal due to traffic so I was safe there. Had no time to prep this morning so during the kids breakfast I quickly got things ready because today I had my observation, which went well. The kids were very well behaved.Today we are learning the sound of Ff. So we are going over words that start with that sound. As their seat work they are to draw things that start the letter Ff. So coming across to my GHETTO Belt girl, I see something and ask her what it is. She says "This is my mom's mouth when she says the F word!" Hahaha Man this girl makes for good stories!
Saturday, September 23, 2006
I'm Not Weird
Why is it when you have so much to do, with no time to do it, you find yourself doing none of the things that need to be done! Did you understand that?So I should be typing up my lesson plan and getting ready for my observation for Monday morning! Am I doing it? NO! Why? Cause there is always Sunday is what is being said in the back of my head.
Today I had to go to a Classroom Management class which was a waste of 8 hours of my day. But I did however come to a conclusion in life. Are you ready for this?
I think I am going to become a school librarian. How in the Hell did I come up with this you ask? Well today during the boring training in a library, I sat down and talked with the librarian who was trying to run a book fair but had no clue on how to do it. So I gave her pointers. As I am talking to her, I realized, why in the hell am I not doing this. I can run a kick ass book fair and what more else is there to a librarian. So I organize books, check out books, read and do activities with the kids that involves books. I may even have to read more kids books. Darn, that is hard reading! I wouldn't have to deal with parents on a daily basis or half the crap that a teacher has to do. Besides, aren't librarians the freaky sexy ones? You know, plain by day, stripper at night! haha
So I have two ways of going about this. I could get my Masters in Library Science which will help me get a job, put me farther in debt, and take me about two years to complete it. Or I could just skip all that and take the AEPA test and get certified in it. The only problem with that, no training.
So I looked up the Masters idea and found out that I can do it online, but only through certain colleges. Pretty much the closest college to go to is UofA! Ahhh! But I guess if its what I gotta do? So I don't fully know yet. I have till Feb. to decide if this is the route I would at least like to give a try. I still would be in the school systems and still get those lovely days off. So we will see!
On top of that, I took Bailey out for a walk at 10 at night to get the full effect of how ghetto these apartments are. Well, I guess I should rephrase that to how ghetto the people living here are. I thought maybe tonight would be a good night to go to laundry, but there is this creepy guy with his door open, he is standing in the door way, no shirt, bottle of beer, with Mexican music in the background. Umm, ya I think I will wait till the morning. Two, met the downstairs neighbor. He hit on me. The whole, "So did your boyfriend help you move in?" Uhh, what kind of question is that! Yes, my imaginary boyfriend helped me move in! I told Bailey that she was hitting on the wrong guys for momma and that she needs to raise the bar. Geez!
So Miss M! had tagged me as needing to blog about 5 weird things about myself. Hmmm, I really cant think of anything I do that is considered weird to normal people! haha Maybe I can just say I teach Kindergarten and that can be all five? Hmm, I think about that one!