Gotta Love Kids!
So I almost got a dog on Sunday. A lady in North Phoenix had a girl and she was only 800. Now I know some of you are saying "ONLY!" but the dog I want is usually 1200-2000 depending on the breeder. Now it has come across that getting a dog right now is a replacement and I want you to know that I have been craving to have a dog for 6 months now. It just so happen I found a good deal that day. Sorta like a doggie sale! I got so hyped up and mom was ready to lend me the money for it. But it was Sunday, she only took cash, and there was no way mom could get out that much. So I really had a double bummer day yesterday. But the dog I realized could wait till June when I am off and home all the time to properly take care of her. So I was telling the teachers today about the dog. One asked "Why would you pay 800 for a dog, what does this thing do, wash your car?" So I told her about the dog and how I wanted a "paper" dog. She laughs and says, "I can make you a paper dog!" Well she knew I was having a bad day so later on in the day she had her class come in and each one of them had made me a paper dog! I almost cried! Here is a pic of a few of them I put up on my wall by my desk.
So I have come to discover that if you are having a bad day then surround yourself with kids. You have no time to sit and think about the bad thoughts. You don't want to cry in front of them for they will ask you a million questions of what is wrong. And they come and hug you and just love on you all day cause they can suspect something is wrong. Some days you just gotta love them
Aw, that's so sweet!
Day two - yeah, still supposed to be hurting. Come over later, I'll feed you cake! :)
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