I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Monday, February 20, 2006

Bahama Ready!

I have an offer to go to the Bahamas in June. Only 50 bucks for the week to stay in a condo and all I have to pay is airfare and all the stuff I want to do in the Bahamas. Am I going? Helz Ya! Is my body ready? Helz NO! So I have started working out again. I have a nice ticker up at top for me to keep on track. (You are supposed to pick out your ticker but the stupid thing would only give me that one). I've realized that I have lost a total of 32 pounds since Nov. 04 which is really good. But I want to lose more. I want to at least be 180 come June. Its funny how just a month ago I couldn't get my ass off the couch and now I am working out at least every other day! I am watching what I eat, weighing myself everyday, and I feel bad if I didn't go to the gym that day. I have come to notice that working out has some good perks to it. I feel better about myself, I have more energy, I think I look better in my clothes, I'm horny all the time (not sure if that's a good thing yet?) and all I really want is to look hot! I want my boyfriend to go DAMN! So my goal right now is to look good in a bathing suit. I tried two on the other day and it was not a pretty sight. I have a loooonnnnggg way to go! Speaking of which I ought to go to the gym now!


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