I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Puppies, puppies, puppies

So yesterday I found it easy to keep myself busy. I was doing my weekly looking online of puppies and I found a lady selling them for 975. I called and she invited me over to go see them. Knowing how happy I would be around puppies I took her on that offer. First though I had a facial at Nordstrom compliments of going to their trend show a month ago. Grabbed Miss M! and off we went. The facial was nice. Learned some interesting things about what to do and not do to your face. She asked me what would I change about my face. I grew a blank. I mean ask me what I would change about me or my body and I can give you a million things. But my face. I kinda like it the way it is. I just told her I would like it to be skinner. It wasn't the answer she was looking for.

So afterwards we went off to the puppy mill. Now it was an older woman and she was doing this for extra cash since she was retired. The puppies were so cute! We even got to hold one that was only a few weeks old. I loved being there with the puppies and everything else that I'm dealing with just went away. That's why I know I need a dog. I need something to take care of and get my mind off of the crap I seem to have in my life. So I went outside to go look at the older dogs. They weren't pretty dogs. They were either to big or looked like they are overeating or their eyes popped out of their heads. Defiantly not show dogs. And one of them was shedding like crazy. So it makes me wonder. Is this what I really want. We said our thank you and off to the scrapbook store to work till midnight it was.

So I don't know. I know I want a dog but now I am questioning myself on what kind I want. I could go with a Shitzu which are supper cute puppies and they don't shed but for some reason to me they look pissed off when they are older. I could get a westie which are very cute dogs and they also don't shed as much either. But I love cocker spaniels but I just feel like they are too big for an apartment and god only knows when I will ever live in a house. See even getting a dog isn't easy! GEEZ!


At 1:39 AM, Blogger SplendidlyImperfect said...

Get a Yorkie. They're the BEST, and cute to boot!


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