I Wanna Be A Skinny Bitch!

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Moving on up

Here it is 4am and I cant sleep. I'm tossing and turning, crying off and on, and actually I feel like I'm going to puke. So I sit here and think which makes matters worse. I come across the thought of moving. Of getting the hell out of here. What do I have here? Why stay? Maybe I need a change. Then I was thinking where I would go. I could go back to Oklahoma but I don't think that would help much. But I probably could easily get a teaching job. I even thought about the lady that is selling her scrapbook store in Portland and seeing if mom could get the loan and we could buy it and start a store just like we thought we would. But of coarse that means talking Miss M! into moving too. But with a store I would be working all the time and where would that time to "get out there and move on" be. Guess I can go back to trying internet dating if I took on a store that would take up all my time. Or maybe I just need to go somewhere. Throw a dart on a map and just go. Of coarse I do realize that I have friends that I love dearly here and the would be the hardest thing to let go since I am such a people person and have to have people around me. But I feel like maybe I have done everything in this state that I could of and there really isn't anything left. Everyone else has their lives and their boyfriends/husbands. I don't know. Those are just my thoughts at 4 in the morning!


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